Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 We are only just realising that this is the first calling from which all else must flow .
2 MBO and venture capital fund investors are only slowly appreciating that the trade-off for the lower risk inherent in transactions that are more carefully selected and more conservatively structured than those typical in the mid-eighties has to be lower anticipated rates of return , whether the exit is via a trade sale or a flotation on to a less than receptive equity market .
3 But above all , engineers are only slowly acknowledging that many Western solutions , principally water-borne sewerage systems , are not the right answer for many parts of the Third World .
4 I am not wholly retracting that , but as Martin Davies said in the speech to which I refer , when questioned about the relationship between NCC and SEAC and our traditional disease .
5 ( 3 ) Consider types of work currently undertaken by the firm that should not be ( because of limited expertise , inadequate experience or cost ) ; and consider types of work you are not currently undertaking that you should be .
6 Our alternative is straightforward , and meets this objection , and we are not only asking that it be used in all cases , only those where the result would otherwise be patently unjust .
7 which er er in my profession as well I come up against all the time and I I think that we 're not really acknowledging that that is very often a cause , for men and women
8 Or schools get very excited by computer-assisted learning , ordering equipment and retraining teachers — only to find that the pupils , so full of enthusiasm three years ago , have totally lost interest , while the ‘ experts ’ are once again suggesting that it was n't such a good idea after all .
9 After years of abusing students , minsters are clearly now hoping that nothing washes whiter than a government 's attempt to get re-elected .
10 Dick Lindsell sums up a notable achievement in this way : ‘ C&P having been conveived and put into motion by ICI in a move which some saw as defensive , I believe that we are now increasingly demonstrating that we are as attractive as other ICI businesses .
11 I 'm only just realizing that I did . ’
12 I think Oxfordshire 's a brilliant place , and I 'm not just saying that because we 're on the air .
13 Well , I 'm not really suggesting that it is .
14 Now I 'm not necessarily thinking that that would 've happened if the parish council said , we will set up a group .
15 And then Magda would be off again explaining that , ‘ The road to Damascus was busy again today … ’
16 I know that they combine a macho enthusiasm for selective violence with a rigid adherence to middle-class morality , but you are n't seriously suggesting that they 'll suspect me of cutting Paul 's throat because I go to bed with his wife ?
17 They were rather like saying that French was less logical than Russian .
18 Such arguments were not simply suggesting that criminal statistics were ‘ biased ’ .
19 Physiologists were then increasingly agreeing that every cellular organism is either a single cell or a cell colony arising from the successive divisions of a single cell , and that two cells come together to form one at fertilization , each having arisen by the division of one cell in the respective parent body .
20 It is often given solo passages to play , and its tone is so intrinsically striking that entirely unaccompanied phrases are not infrequently allotted to it .
21 Genette 's discussion of Proust is so far reaching that his book can be regarded as much as a reading of A la recherche as a contribution to narrative theory , and to this extent it represents a challenge to the generic distinctions normally made in structuralist thinking between poetics and criticism .
22 The list of observed bands ( Table 5.12 ) shows that all the IR bands observed coincide with Raman bands ( within 20 cm -1 , which is close enough considering that IR and Raman spectra are of different phases ) , and the number of Raman bands is indeed nine .
23 For the moment , Mr Rocard is probably just praying that he can hold on to his seat in the Yvelines .
24 The EC Commission is also now arguing that approximation rather than total harmonization may well suffice .
25 And MacPhearson wants to argue that Locke is fairly clearly suggesting that there is a property qualification for membership of the people , the people being the sovereign .
26 And it 's it 's almost like saying that the , if you take H R T er , this is in our sort of survey that you will in fact erm , reduce the instance of heart disease but ma , might you , in in fact , increase the risks of breast cancer .
27 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
28 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
29 It is therefore particularly fitting that it is a charity associated with the teaching profession hat takes some of the books left over at the end of the sale to ‘ sent to countries in dire need ’ , as Lewis Romanis , former Headmaster of Boroughmuir School , put it in his gracious thank-you letter .
30 It is therefore perhaps unsurprising that the problem over the loss of providing powers in Bedfordshire did not appear to be a major one in the context of such close co-operation and joint endeavour to promote the growth of rural adult education at that time .
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