Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The newer recruits who joined the water authorities after reorganization of the water industry are predominantly young men in their twenties .
2 These are predominantly agricultural labourers in Bolivia 's main Quechua-speaking areas : Cochabamba , Potosi and Sucre .
3 This is because there are rather few ways in which an image of the incident light can be formed .
4 On the other hand , Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have recently re-formed their agricultural regimes with such rigour that they now have what are effectively free markets in farming .
5 There has been most impressive progress in Sheffield .
6 It is rarely inherited , and there are rarely two cases in the same family .
7 Pollutions are rarely dramatic events in themselves , but are often more striking in their consequences .
8 The South Korean government has been remarkably low key in its response , apparently intent not to inflame the situation .
9 A horse 's degree of willingness , cooperation in learning new things , agreeableness in doing what we ask of it , are most important traits in a horse 's temperament if we wish to enjoy riding it ; yet it is an aspect of the horse that is more overlooked than any other when someone is thinking of buying or breeding a horse .
10 There are obviously wide differences in the provision of social amenities and social services .
11 What are you 're dou if you 've got to think about it you may there are obviously some questions in your mind .
12 Data processing professionals are much more facilitators in this environment , and they may be brought in to assist on tasks such as detailed debugging .
13 However , we believe that there are much larger objects in the universe , like the central regions of galaxies , that can also undergo gravitational collapse to produce black holes ; an astronaut on one of these would not be torn apart before the black hole formed .
14 But since there are much larger numbers in relation to the dominant person in the schoolroom than there are at home a distinct psychological break is experienced in the transition from one to the other .
15 Had there been only one man in the carriage with the woman the explanation would have been obvious .
16 It did not seem to occur to him that Ramsey had been only eighteen months in an important job for which he was perfectly fitted .
17 He 's been down three times in his career , but always got up to win .
18 Paradoxically , as it seems to observers , such evangelicals also seem to be disproportionately successful in worldly pursuits ; many of them are highly successful careerists in professional and business life .
19 This theory , which has been developed from an extensive survey of landscape paintings , argues that landscapes are highly symbolic habitats in which the most valued landscapes allow us to see ( prospect ) without being seen ( refuge ) and therefore relate to our origins as hunter-gatherers .
20 There is no such thing as Jew and Greek , slave and free , male and female : for you are all one person in Christ Jesus .
21 There are enough nuclear weapons in the world today to kill every man , woman and child at least twenty times over .
22 I think there are enough common factors in management , including the role of chairman , that apply to all or most businesses , such as the need for careful succession planning , the need for developing a strategy or a corporate plan .
23 There are less traumatic events in life that can be quite as overwhelming or perplexing without some form of preparation — a visit to an airport or a dairy farm ; first experiments with make-up and fashion ; and first dates and discos .
24 I think that black kids are treated rather badly in this school , for example , there are less black kids in the ‘ A ’ band .
25 In an Amazonomachy by Mikon in the Stoa Poikile at Athens was a notorious figure named Butes of whom only the helmet and one eye were to be seen , and there are less dramatic examples in some Amazons on the vase ( fig. 116 ) .
26 There are somewhat similar ways in which it would be odd to express assent to a question to show that one shared the speaker 's wondering .
27 Well like , for example , we have excellent educational psychologists in Oxfordshire and erm we have advisers for children with special needs in Oxfordshire , and they are extremely useful people in helping out those many children who are not like the average run of children and have specific and particular problems , and I was very fearful that eventually an opted out school might turn its noses up at such children , and I think they needed protection , so that 's one example .
28 There are perhaps 36 skulls in all and there were at least a million Armenian dead .
29 ‘ There are so many scumbags in boxing — but I have to thank Barry Hearn and the American referee Joe Cortez for standing up for me . ’
30 David Lyles , the coach , says their winning secret is constant hard work and dedication and determination … they have problems finding enough pool time because there are so many clubs in Swindon but it is a nationwide problem because there are only two good pools in this country which is not a lot for fifty million people …
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