Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 The inverted-U relationship has been empirically demonstrated for a number of different tasks ( e.g. Courts , 1942 ; Stennett , 1957 ; Bolanger & Feldman , described in Malmo 1959 ) , however , it is often regarded as a purely descriptive relationship rather than necessarily implying that arousal per se is affecting performance .
2 A new mood of optimism prevails at Grace Road , where fundraising has been successfully completed for an indoor cricket school , building work on which will start in September .
3 In Rotherham , ‘ [ t ] he specific grant has been successfully obtained for a list of improvements which includes : implementing a joint care programme approach to planning and providing services to users ’ , while in Bradford the demands of care programming and care management led to considerable investment in Information Technology :
4 Collocations ( and the concordances from which they are derived ) have been successfully used for a variety of linguistic purposes .
5 This is an expanding market of course and potential sponsors are constantly searching for an appropriate product on which they can lavish their money .
6 In La Male Honte , " Foul shame " ( although the title itself is ambiguous , representing Anglo-French " The purse of Honte " , and the fabliau itself revolves around this ambiguity ) , the deceased Honte 's friend carries the legacy due to the crown to the king " " a son col " " : simply , " on his back " , although since we know that we are reading a " " fablel " " we are especially prepared for a word such as col = " arse " , and have to carry forward in our minds to the rest of the fabliau the notion that it might be significant that the friend carries what is due to the king on his backside .
7 that and so on , erm , erm , I , it would be nice in fact if the er Ipswich evening tabloid which gave us prominence to this rule er would give just a little space to er this latest development , erm but I would like to , not being excessively caracole I mean reading this document I do feel a slight er switch on your comments on er Pipers Vale , er which you note , there are no er nationally er or er common species which sounds as though you have designs on it , erm I , I wonder if this would be the place to ask you , you know , to make some sort of statement about Pipers Vale , you know that we are basically looking for a route which does not touch on Pipers Vale
8 John MacGregor , Secretary of State for Education , yesterday said ‘ the report shows we are better placed for a major advance than some have suggested ’ .
9 Few hotels are better equipped for a Club holiday .
10 However , in parliamentary terms Mr Nelson has been long waiting for a call from a prime minister offering jobs .
11 I am merely asking for an extension of the logic which is already so well known to Marsham street .
12 Many mums who have apparently short labours have actually been gently dilating for a few days without realising it and without having any of the other traditional ‘ signs ’ of labour : a ‘ show ’ as the plug to the cervix is expelled , waters breaking or the first contractions .
13 I do find that most people who come out here on short contracts are only looking for a paid holiday .
14 Bearing in mind that if we do have the whole house then people are only coming for a few days or or even one night could no they had somewhere to stay .
15 Subject headings lists are normally generated for a particular purpose .
16 Three elements are normally required for a case of breach of confidence to succeed .
17 ‘ I am not looking for a ghost .
18 I am not suggesting for a moment that this kind of problem can be resolved merely by putting more resources in , but at the same time there is need to spend more money , perhaps .
19 As stressed earlier , I am not arguing for a revived regional geography per se , but rather for ‘ a regional perspective that informs all geographical activity ’ Johnston , 1990b , p. 135 ) .
20 Special classification schemes are generally devised for a particular purpose and are to be found in the following environments :
21 Special classification schemes are generally devised for an application for which no major general scheme is suitable .
22 The club say they are already looking for a replacement .
23 Brighton and Chichester are easily reached for a day trip .
24 This is not as odd as it may sound as , for most Fijian customs officers , such herbs as basil , oregano or thyme are totally alien and are easily mistaken for a different sort .
25 Traveller 's or Eurocheques are by far the safest way to carry money as they are easily cashed for a small service charge and the value is recoverable if they are stolen or lost .
26 ‘ We are not looking for a leader , ’ Douglas Wilson from Burton said .
27 You are not looking for a fast drop in weight .
28 They are not looking for a tough fight but for a victim — someone who will cower or quake with fear like a doomed rabbit .
29 Like gangs , bullies are not looking for a stand-up fight , but for a victim ; the best way to beat them is to give more trouble than they can handle .
30 But the athletes are making an unprecedented demand for a slice of the lucrative financial action and Tom Jennings , the agent spearheading their case , countered : ‘ We are not looking for a militant takeover , just a share of the wealth .
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