Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 In another case , the Court of Appeal held that a prosecution had been properly discontinued when a defendant had taken out a private prosecution for perjury against a witness who had given evidence against him at committal proceedings .
2 Five national opinion polls in tomorrow 's newspapers are keenly awaited after a survey in London showed Labour 's lead slipping a couple of points .
3 A mother and her four children have been badly hurt when a train hit their van on an unmanned level crossing .
4 Debate and questioning are only threatening if an organization is weak .
5 Free translations are best made when a language helper is with you to clarify obscure points .
6 They will also clarify whether such difficulties are best seen as an exaggerated form of more normal occurrences , or as arising in a different way from the mistakes made by normal people .
7 If you have gained the impression that you are dealing with a balding manic-depressive axe-wielding lunatic , then I must hasten to add that I am generally regarded as a bit eccentric but quite harmless by my neighbours !
8 While some of these are not suitable for display , many others are not seen because a better example is already on display .
9 Such ‘ Fahrradstrasse ’ are not created as a function of cyclist density , though some attempts have been made to funnel cross-town traffic along them to ensure that motorists are intimidated by the greater volume of cycle traffic .
10 The words are not interrupted if a failure of comprehension occurs .
11 There is certainly a security problem , in that arranging for security and integrity of data is more complex by comparison with sequential files and this , coupled with their poor performance for sequential applications , makes it obvious why they are not used if a sequential file is appropriate .
12 For integrity purposes , two copies are always made before a file is deemed to be ‘ offline ’ .
13 Newton Aycliffe police are warning that forged notes are still circulating after a fake £20 note was handed to a Ferryhill newsagent .
14 By default , all the attribute toggles with the exception of " Alternate Font " ( " A " ) and " User Defined " ( " E " ) are automatically reset when a carriage-return is sent .
15 In BV the RP long and short /u/ classes ( as in pool , pull ) are the same and are both realized as a short vowel ; however , the restricted lexical set of pull , bull , foot etc. , is an alternating set , rhyming alternately with cut , dull and with soon , pool , good .
16 John Wimber has pointed out that other factors are also involved when a congregation , or housegroup meet for worship .
17 Other rights , duties , powers and responsibilities which a parent may have in relation to the child and his property under other legislation are also preserved while a care order is in force ( s33(9) ) .
18 The tensions and anxieties which are inevitably entailed when a more or less racially homogeneous society becomes multi-racial are displaced on to a solitary figure — the leering bootboy .
19 Even using secondary sources alone , the amount of information involved is usually too great to be encompassed by a single person , and so of necessity such studies are often undertaken as a team project .
20 In the European Community , minimum periods of notice are often required before a strike in an essential service can take place and a minimum level of service is required during industrial action .
21 The prospects for disposal of the whole building are severely limited if a third of it is subject to a subtenancy .
22 A pilot scheme at level 2 has run its course , and the banks are now deciding whether a business case can be made for its extension .
23 ‘ However , the reality is that such matters will only be successfully resolved when a greater degree of trust and cohesion has been attained as a result of working together . ’
24 The job can be greatly simplified if a few short lengths of plastic tubing are kept in stock .
25 Commenting that no one is likely to be better informed than a seamen 's union as to the terms on which vessels sailing under flags of convenience were employed , Lord Diplock adopted the words of the Master of the Rolls in the court below :
26 The experts say a good manmade holt can be better appreciated than a natural one
27 The experts say a good manmade holt can be better appreciated than a natural one
28 The original may be physically damaged if a cup of coffee is spilt over it or the magnetic impulses on the disk representing the program may be destroyed or altered by exposure to a strong magnetic field .
29 An alternative method for dealing with vector elements of different lengths is for an increment value of one always to be used , but for the modifier field to be suitably manipulated when an element is accessed .
30 East Germans had substantial savings , estimated at nearly 180,000 million East German marks , and many feared that these might be drastically devalued when a currency union was introduced .
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