Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Black-clad , a little spidery , they are so mince as to be minuscule .
32 The monarch butterfly , found over much of North America , has been much studied because of its noxious qualities .
33 Ever since the ‘ Golden Age of Satinwood ’ this timber has been highly valued and in great demand for luxury cabinets , fine furniture making and interior joinery .
34 ‘ The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where — ( a ) it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person , an institution or any other body , either jointly or alone , under the law of the state in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention ; and ( b ) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised , either jointly or alone , or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention .
35 Research on the influence of cultural factors on intelligence testing and test results have been conducted on a wide scale and the results are endlessly discussed because of the inextricable mixture of technical and value judgments .
36 A host of aetiological hypotheses has been formed , which have frequently been untestable and based on data that had been unsystematically selected or of dubious validity ( Rosenthal , 1968 ) .
37 Glass vessels are normally interpreted as for drinking .
38 ABOVE Greyhounds are lively , affectionate dogs , but are best muzzled when off the lead , as they retain their coursing instincts and may chase smaller dogs .
39 The classic reds of Bordeaux are best left until at least a decade after the vintage date printed on the label .
40 I am not suggesting that on occasions it is not totally appropriate to go and help someone — children particularly appreciate a parent 's involvement in a variety of projects .
41 A ‘ hard case ’ — and I am not disputing that for the Bland parents it is indeed a very hard case — has been found which can , and I believe will , be skilfully exploited to justify the ‘ dignified ’ removal of a subtly-expanding range of people who will be deemed to be living lives which are below some ‘ expert 's ’ criterion of an acceptable standard .
42 Cultural marginality , which encompasses the culture of poverty concept ( Lewis 1966 ) , has been largely discredited because of the implication that traits such as apathy and passivity , which are the hallmarks of the culture of poverty , are very strongly imbedded in those who grow up in such a culture and therefore prevent them responding positively if opportunities arise .
43 Many of the small creditors , bed and breakfast owners , are already struggling because of the recession .
44 Gross : The adults are easily identified because of their specific location in the abomasum and their large size ( 2.0-3.0 cm ) .
45 But Neill said : ‘ We are not moving because of people pestering us .
46 The principles he acts upon are not adopted because of his social position or natural endowments , or in view of the particular kind of society in which he lives or the specific things that he happens to want .
47 Extremes in hair style are not advocated whilst on duty .
48 However , O. cordifera appears to be a valid species which can distinguish from O. clavigera by the following characters : the shape of oral shield which is rounded slightly irregular in O. clavigera but pentagonal to rhombic often with an acute proximal angle in O. cordifera , the adoral shields are not separated as in O. clavigera but meet in the midline , proximal to the oral shield in O. cordifera and the larger size of the granules of the disk in O. cordifera .
49 Consequently , as older trout die they are not replaced and in time the trout population disappears .
50 Where a reduction of share capital of this nature is proposed which does not affect the cash resources of the company , and creditors are not affected because of the subsequent restoration of issued share capital , it is usual for the court to dispense with an enquiry as to creditors .
51 Their findings are not recorded but in 1938 self-service carving was discontinued .
52 Spoken messages can be stored in electronic mailboxes and retrieved by telephone , and by several people at the same time — because the messages are not recorded as on a tape recorder , but on electronic pulses in the computer 's memory .
53 Total hours are not prescribed because of the special nature of the trade ( i.e. exemptions , extensions and licensing hours which vary from district to district ) .
54 The atoms are not charged as in common salt .
55 An instrument will not be executed before 20 August where it is not binding until certain conditions are fulfilled and these are not met until after 19 August .
56 Third , there are items that are not measured because of shortcomings of the data sources .
57 One shop assistant was polite , but adamant and explained : ‘ Dogs are not allowed because of the risk of soiling or damage to the woollen clothes . ’
58 Others are not reported because of embarrassment or fear on the part of the victim ( rape , domestic assaults ) , or because he or she thinks that there is little the police can do about it ( vandalism , shoplifting ) , or that the offence is not very serious anyway , or that there is no unwilling victim ( drug abuse , soliciting , under-age sex ) .
59 What this vague phrase meant we are not told except in the cases of Aimar of Limoges and Raymond of Turenne .
60 We are not denying that in the case of an alien culture one has less right to criticize than in one 's own , out of lack of experience of what it can be like to live in it .
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