Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We are extremely fortunate that has agreed to continue to work as part-time Secretary to the Society and she will be there to deal personally with any Q.T 's queries etc on those days .
2 There are , the book argued , many ways of ‘ being at home in the town ’ , with many examples of good practice already visible today in maturing towns ; in densely populated areas with narrow streets ; in ‘ a celebratory way ’ by making a quiet little green island at the opening of a street ; in a new town ; in existing residential areas where the space around the houses and garages is used to make a series of squares and narrowings ; or ‘ in a happy way ’ where flowers and trees are so colourful that parked cars are less intrusive .
3 The view through the small rear mirror is rather limited , as Jill Stanton has mentioned before , and the manual wing mirrors are so stiff that trying to fine-tune them is like trying to thread a needle wearing boxing gloves .
4 Looking at the intervals from which the scale is built , there are only two that differ from the major scale : the 3rd and the 7th .
5 But his request had been so casual that to refuse would have seemed as if she was making an issue .
6 For the authors , the semantic net had been so important that to see node-link-node triples before each paragraph provided a kind of unity to the document .
7 The General Manager of Barclays Bank , Trevor Nicholas , has said that out of his 4,000 systems staff there are just 7 that fall into this category .
8 If any greater certainty could be given then it could be done only by an unacceptable narrowing of the duty to restrict it to a part of the auditors responsibilities and we 're also concerned that to do so could have potentially wide ranging implications for the scope of auditor 's functions more generally .
9 They are also concerned that giving distinct roles to two separate groups of directors is divisive and that two tier boards might arise because of the split in responsibilities .
10 Like a grow-bag , however , they can not go on producing their rich harvests of vegetable crops such as celery and carrots for ever , since once the peat has all wasted away , poor acid subsoils , especially clays , are often all that remain beneath .
11 At the same time , the references to the rock tradition , especially rhythms , are really all that serve to affix the music to the location of a ‘ popular ’ audience .
12 Tests to determine drug concentrations are expensive and take time , but cheap , rapid screening tests are now available that provide a qualitative answer within one hour — for example , by fluorescence immunoassay on a urine sample .
13 Some larger churches can be so impersonal that to think in terms of ‘ joining ’ is as meaningless as joining the cinema !
14 Sometimes the action of a suppressor variable can be so strong that controlling for it can actually reverse the sign of the effect .
15 The denial can be so strong that faced , for example , with diabetes , they fail to take their diet or their insulin .
16 This question needs to be tackled if we are to be reasonably certain that observed variation reflects a speaker 's norm rather than random fluctuation in the data .
17 One can be perfectly sure that had such a momentous event happened on the Lord 's Day , that fact alone would have been reported over and over again , the comfortable synchronicity of it all being a matter for boundless pleasure .
18 I 'm pretty sure that has n't .
19 Perhaps it was sitting in front of an audience that I hardly knew but believed to be very worthy that brought back that old feeling of being a bit of a fraud , particularly when one lady , catching the shreds of my zeal said I had taken away her fear of cancer !
20 I am well aware that having three gatherings does not satisfy some members .
21 C C K most of the time there are n't many that end in just a K.
22 There are n't many that start with a K.
23 to go for go for the C each time cos there are n't many that start with a K.
24 They are equally aware that achieving the last few percentage points in performance of ten causes a disproportionate increase in costs .
25 We are equally concerned that backing this up is an organisation which ( in addition to being efficient ) ensures equal opportunity , and an adult ambience of personal care in which responsibility and individuality can flourish ( not easy to achieve ) .
26 The variety of colours and textures of paper available is astonishing , and there are even some that look like lace .
27 ‘ You are quite sure that Riddle never came to this house ? ’
28 But there are some instances documented in the literature where people are quite clear that support given to in-laws is really being given to the blood relative .
29 It may turn out that the distinctive features of a causal story associated with semantic content are precisely those that require the language of belief , desire and intention , in order for their isolation to have any point within the overall causal explanation of what happens when the speaker communicates with another .
30 They were so ubiquitous that grounded bodies used as sheds will be a feature of Britain 's farmyards for decades to come .
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