Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am rather surprised that Martin Frears has found himself in this predicament .
2 Government attitudes towards interest groups must also differ sharply , for public officials are keenly aware that groups are ‘ by-products ’ of the ability to develop selective incentives .
3 But Mr Salinas 's people are acutely aware that lack of competition and cosiness with the state have resulted in the squandering of billions and led to insufficient capital investment .
4 Some ministers admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise for another 18 months and they are acutely aware that fear of unemployment could hold back spending and delay any economic recovery .
5 I am especially glad that lenders have given assurances that they will not repossess homes where direct payments are being made to cover the mortgage interest .
6 It was a performance that I keep in my memory , and am so pleased that MK remembers the playing .
7 Association chairman , Leeds manager Howard Wilkinson , said : ‘ We are extremely fortunate that Orient were prepared to allow a man of Frank 's talent to take on the job . ’
8 What really happens during the very early or late stages of the universe , when gravitational fields are so strong that quantum effects can not be ignored ?
9 ‘ We are so thankful that donor organs became available just 10 days after Laura arrived in America . ’
10 The calls of killer whales vary from group to group and these dialects are so distinct that people can tell them apart .
11 I admit that our schools are so good that parents from neighbouring boroughs such as Greenwich , Lewisham and Bromley want to send children to our schools in Bexley .
12 Some birds are so small that twigs are too coarse a material for them to use as the main fabric of their nest .
13 You will think of many examples , but the differences are so small that context is crucial .
14 The scale and importance of the nationalized concerns are so great that ministers are not prepared to give their managers a free hand .
15 Analysis of the maintenance and reproduction of collectivism is divided over whether the tradition of collectivism encourages the voluntary conformity of individuals , or whether the sanctions on non-conformity are so great that individuals have no alternative .
16 Levi , the fellow whose clothes are so ordinary that Payne Stewart would n't use them for dusting his furniture .
17 The arguments in favour of the provision of an outer bypass for Edinburgh , designed to a high standard , are so overwhelming that Lothian Regional Council is maintaining a continuing construction programme aimed at completion of the entire bypass by 1990 .
18 Belgium is the extreme case of a country whose own institutions are so weak that EC integration seems the only substitute .
19 If things are so serious that people start picking locks and planting letters , I do n't want to know anymore .
20 As a consequence , they dislike having to attend incidents at this time which are so serious that action can not be avoided .
21 The calculations needed to refine quantum chromodynamics , the theory of the strong nuclear force between quarks , are so tedious that theorists can not be bothered to do them .
22 It is probable that homologous cross-veins do not exist in many orders but their positions in some cases are so constant that analogies , if not homologies , can be traced and similar names are applicable .
23 ‘ We are so lucky that Oliver will be fine and can now move his arms and legs , ’ said Caroline .
24 Raynor said softly , ‘ But you are so beautiful that men would die for you , ’ and Grainne looked up , startled , because the words had been so soft that she could not be sure she had heard them correctly , yet she knew she had .
25 The penalties against fat women are so extreme that women continue to starve themselves and buy useless diet products rather than endure such humiliation and exclusion .
26 It may be true , as you say , that most types of continental facility can be found in Britain ( if you look hard enough ) , but conditions on the continent are so superior that visitors to this country must get quite a shock .
27 In some countries , notably in Latin America , inflation rates are so high that salaries need to double or more each year to maintain their spending power .
28 The cost of developing new generations of chip technology are so high that collaboration is increasingly the order of the day , and Advanced Micro Devices Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co have decided to join forces on the development of logic process technology to enable the production of microprocessors with 5m to 10m transistors on a single chip by 1995 .
29 Standards are so high that guests never suspect they are bathing in a prefab and installation is quick and easy .
30 Much the same can be said of the widespread use of ‘ suggestion schemes ’ , which although not compulsory are so widespread that employees feel obliged to participate in them .
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