Example sentences of "be [pron] first [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It had been my first venture into the hotel business and probably my last — I take my hat off to anyone who makes it work .
2 So this has been my first step towards designing something different .
3 For most it would have been their first experience of the internationalism of the movement .
4 This was to be my first climb on ‘ real rock , ’ as I had only experienced exercises on short problems in an old gritstone quarry during the previous winter .
5 ‘ Well , let's say if I was choosing someone to share my fortnight for two in Majorca , you would n't be my first choice of companion . ’
6 Klemperer would still be my first choice for the Pastoral .
7 I have to say that the Pro GAP would n't be my first choice in any rack system because each time I 've used one I 've been unable to rid it of that ‘ overprocessed ’ synthetic edge .
8 I 've really been looking forward to flying — it will be my first time on a plane . ’
9 In addition to the excitement of watching such a magnificent creature in action , it really is the only way to learn about birds of prey — and it would be my first step towards becoming a professional falconer one day .
10 A difficult moment for me occurred when Phil Collins came on the show , simply because what I knew but he did n't , was that he was going to be my first guest on This Is Your Life the following week .
11 ‘ His will be my first funeral in Munding I believe . ’
12 The company already has a number of customers in Europe , including France Telecom and AT&T Istel Ltd , but the new UK office will be its first presence outside the US .
13 It would be her first marathon since winning the New York in November last year .
14 It will be her first speech to the assembly for four years .
15 In her capacity as patron of Relate , the princess was making what is believed to be her first visit to such a centre since her separation from the prince was announced late last year .
16 For the artists this day would be their first sight of the script due in production on Friday .
17 It may be their first experience of death at close quarters and they will be surprised at how much there is to do .
18 If there is still no contact , advise Payroll of termination date , which would be their first day of absence .
19 Both men had a history of lawlessness , petty felonies and misdemeanours , but this was to be their first foray into serious and hopefully prosperous crime , an opportunity prompted by pure chance .
20 It will be their first meeting with Mr Lamont since the Treasury select committee report into BCCI was published .
21 He had to find all the time he could to write the play , even if it meant neglecting other matters , not least because it would be his first composition since the award of the Nobel Prize .
22 It will also be his first show in a Royal residence , though Balmoral , Windsor and Sandringham are among the subjects of his paintings .
23 It may be however that this will be your first contact with us .
24 The Health Service Centre should be your first port of call for all general career enquiries as it disseminates information on both basic and postbasic nursing education .
25 If you 're serious about DOS spreadsheeting , then Quattro Pro must be your first port of call .
26 This office should always be your first point of contact .
27 She was a local farmer 's wife and she went on to be our first member of Parliament and me brother was helping her and mum and dad , you see , was working for the , we , we got the house as a committee room and all , all the and I can remember going with mother , we had , we had a Co-op paper or it was Co-op orientated I 'm sure news and I can remembering canvassing Walsall Wood with me mother , well I ca n't see my Guild members doing that .
28 Fortunately she had the better 5th time and went on to be our first finalist for several years while Wood of Australia in the other semi not only lost her final place but also her Olympic spot .
29 It was to be our first encounter with the " Bisus " , a bizarre peripatetic sect of transvestite and largely hermaphrodite Bugis priests who , it later transpired , were performing the traditional trance rite to accompany rice-planting .
30 This was to be our first meeting since the threat of further surgery or at the least , drugs .
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