Example sentences of "be [pron] [prep] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 1 should have thought that that was the punishment , not the education , though God knows there are plenty around who think of education that way .
2 ‘ We 're none of us getting much younger . ’
3 Hoping this finds you as it leaves me we are none of us getting any younger Yours Sincerely Fred Bottomley .
4 Are you like you like having a conversation with yourself .
5 Where are you from she said ?
6 It had been something in her breathing that conveyed impatience .
7 So there must have been something in it to hold my attention for so long .
8 I consider the most likely candidate for forgery is therefore an unknown cylinder or an unknown acetate disc — in other words , a one-off , which would be difficult to compare with the genuine article , because there would be nothing with which to compare it .
9 Patrick had once remarked that if Joe were to pack his bags and walk out , there would be nothing of him left behind , no hint , no trace .
10 If all were clear , undilemmatic and utterly consistent for the members of a society , there would be nothing for them to argue about , and thereby nothing about which to deliberate .
11 If one place could not be distinguished from another there would be nothing for me to seem to be saying in saying , ‘ Here ’ in answer to ‘ Where are you ? ’ .
12 He longed to do some real work that would give him some satisfaction at the end of a day , yet there seemed to be nothing for him to do .
13 There appeared to be nothing for him to do but make his way back to the Inn on the Point , collect his own belongings and return to London .
14 The management committee will meet and it will divide the money into two and give each one however much the management committee feels that it should have and that management committee need not meet again for twelve months because there will be nothing for it to do .
15 If these principles are undermined for the sake of legal machismo , there will be nothing on which to build .
16 But they wo n't There 'll be nothing in it to identify you .
17 Aha That 's right , it would be somebody of one rung down perhaps from and half a rung down from if you can put that in context I mean is an absolute beginner she knew nothing about this business two and a half years ago
18 Of course you may get some probably some very good people a added , I do n't know wh wh wh they 'll be none of us knows , er they 're are going to nowhere that they 're going to get their expenses , they 're also going to get their allowances , I do n't know what those allowances will be er and I would n't assume that they 're necessarily going to lessen their independents because they receive allowances , but it is weakened , it is weakening the powers of the local institutions which are an essential part of our democratic society in this country .
19 If the colonial culture was to go , there had to be something with which to replace it .
20 It must be something for her to change
21 There has to be something for them to think about .
22 It just ca n't be , be the , I mean if you think of all the , I mean like say you 've got a , a , a sort of er cockney expression for if he 's got syphilis might be something like you know Johnny Rotten 's kissed him or something you know , there must be things like that , you know , there must be loads of things like that .
23 Right so it 's going to be something like I mean this is n't anything like to scale but it 's going to be something like this perhaps .
24 A reversible process would be one in which changes in X cause an increase in Y and a reversal in X produces a decline in Y. An example of this would be the move toward a more punitive style of management in a factory ( X ) which increased absenteeism ( Y ) which declined when a move is made to a more indulgent management style .
25 I think , Bill , really you far be it for me to try and teach you your job , but you ought to have perhaps gone back a little bit and wondered why we were all in this position , because you have us in year after year talking about budgets that are made and budgets which improve services , and and we need to be absolutely clear that this budget does not improve services at all , that this budget does very severe damage to services , that the budget that has gone through the Council identifies nearly eight million pounds taken off service provision erm and that can not be done under the Conservatives by making erm a budget with the Liberal Democrats have proved that it ca n't be done , in spite of their previous comments , without pain to services .
26 Only problem was , and far be it for me to dampen any thrashing of another team , was that Wimbledon were allowed to play for a good bit in the second half and could have come back .
27 That would be a good move — but far be it for me to advise the Prime Minister on that point .
28 But far be it for us to shed crocodile tears over the bruised egos of our male counterparts .
29 When Merrill did n't speak he said shortly , ‘ Of course , far be it from me to pry into a client 's financial arrangements , but it struck Bob as rather strange .
30 ‘ Oh , far be it from me to pry , ’ Rob said loftily , ‘ I was merely paying you an indirect compliment . ’
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