Example sentences of "be [pron] [noun] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I replied rather coldly that I had not drunk alcohol since 1939 , and that it had been my hope that we should stop somewhere where I could wash up generally , relieve myself and have a little rest .
2 It has always been my hope that he did n't trouble to bestir himself even when we had gone out of sight .
3 You have absolutely nothing at all to do with it , and I resent sometimes the implications that there is this kind of artificial competitiveness amongst actors , because it 's been my experience that it does n't exist .
4 ‘ It has long been my opinion that you , my dear Shiona , are the most contemptible individual that I have ever encountered . ’
5 After all , it had n't really been her fault that she became mixed up in Jack 's business affairs .
6 Are there things that you enjoy that you are also good at ?
7 But are there dangers that it could also have undesirable or even disastrous consequences both to living organisms and to the environment ?
8 Are there songs when when you er are in concert as you are tonight , are there songs that you could not miss out ?
9 A few of our members have prepared very good speeches which they present locally and it would be my hope that we may be in a position in the not too distant future to have a professionally prepared audio/visual promotional aide .
10 For many Christian people who are caught up in the whirlpool of grief , the most difficult part may well be their realization that they are in fact feeling very distressed .
11 It seems to me that it ought to be our policy that we ought to try and locate people who go into these sorts of residencies as close to the people who will be concerned for their welfare as possible erm and that therefore there would be a strong case for making that sort of exception in those cases .
12 And th the stories that you read are all , all for children are they ones that you 're reading from a book , or are they ones that you 're inventing at the time , or what ?
13 And th the stories that you read are all , all for children are they ones that you 're reading from a book , or are they ones that you 're inventing at the time , or what ?
14 For some reason both the adjoining clerical incumbents wished to call his soul their own ; or it may have been his jumble that they wanted .
15 So marked were my anxieties that I buried that experience for several years .
16 On release she went to the mayor and so powerful were her reproaches that he ‘ acknowledged the truth of her doctrine ’ and henceforth attempted to protect Quakers .
17 So strict were their beliefs that they objected to the church 's Holy Days as they had been selected by men and because , to God , all days were holy and should be celebrated equally .
18 Their operations began on a modest scale , using a small steam engine to drive two pairs of stones and some ancillary equipment , but so successful were their efforts that they installed two new larger engines and built their own warehouse .
19 I thought it was n't fair that I should begin to show when I was barely into my fourth month , and I got angry with my clothes , as if it were their fault that I pulled them out of shape .
20 However , so severe were his injuries that he was transferred almost immediately to the burns unit of Withington Hospital in Manchester .
21 This is my grand-daughter that you 're talking about .
22 It is my hope that you will bring five thousand pounds .
23 Jesus did not actually say that John would survive until the Second Coming , but , ‘ If it is my will that he remain until I come , what is that to you ? ’ ( 21:23 ) .
24 It is my contention that we do n't sit back and simply allow for peace to develop , and we go and keep that peace .
25 Although her decision to do so did not ultimately affect her position as one of this country 's most important early modernists , it is my contention that it had a profound effect on the development of her art in the 1920s and , possibly , for the rest of her life .
26 ‘ At the present time , however , it is my past that I seek , ’ he added .
27 After many conversations , it is my feeling that we need better communication between the youth of Shropshire and the youth of the rest of the diocese .
28 'T is my misfortune that she is too lovely and too attractive .
29 It is my opinion that we should do our own small bit to avoid our planet 's destruction .
30 He has tried to overcome it because you are so much his inferior and it is my opinion that he finds he ca n't and that vexes his proud heart .
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