Example sentences of "be [art] [noun] from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We 're the team from now on , I gather . ’
2 The last communication had been a letter from somewhere on the west coast of America , and my eventual reply had been returned ‘ not known at this address ’ .
3 If you are a Blackwoman from anywhere in the world , and you have an urge to WRITE , then come and join us .
4 If you are a student from overseas you should note that you are currently likely to require approximately £106 each week for costs other than fees during your stay in this country .
5 There does seem to be a development from apparently aimless handling towards quite deliberate modelling , and the teacher will observe this in the development of the children 's free play .
6 But where was the resolve a year ago , and where will it be a year from now to address fundamental inequalities that date back to slavery ?
7 They seemed to be a peace-offering from above , as if God were apologizing .
8 So serious is the threat from both republicans and loyalists that RUC Chief Constable Sir Hugh Annesely called a rare press conference last Wednesday morning .
9 ( The problem will be in maintaining their interest ) ‘ The easiest to undertake is the vision from outside the buildings .
10 But it is the visitors from abroad who have become the island 's chief money-bringer .
11 and you think he is the person from best able to say whose work is in this brochure ?
12 It is the shift from fully erect ears to fully flattened ones that transmits the all-important social signal .
13 There is pressure from the society being served — to respond this way and that ; there is pressure from employers ; and there is the pressure from within — to be an individual and to express individual tastes and views .
14 What stands out about the development of transport in England between 1700 and 1815 is the creation from privately supplied capital of a system which , though not preconceived , was to prove sufficiently complementary in its supply and its operation to accommodate a modernising economy with a growing range of activities .
15 Is , that 's the decision from now on is it ?
16 So what 's the salt from there ?
17 ‘ It 's the left-overs from yesterday 's joint — I thought I 'd make a shepherd 's pie for supper .
18 Erm so that 's b that 's the list from there .
19 Not because I fancy him or anything like that , but because he 's a friend from way back .
20 It it 's a test from now till next Friday all the conversations we have .
21 There 's a noise from upstairs .
22 There 's an igneous intrusion there , with fragments of garnet peridotite — that 's a rock from below the earth 's crust — and I 'd like to spend a bit of time there , though the rocks at the north-west end look pretty difficult to get at .
23 He 's a pitchman from way back . ’
24 ‘ He 's a cornball from way back . ’
25 ‘ Man wrote that , he 's a cracker from way back in Louisville .
26 There is no sign from either the right hon. Member for Yeovil ( Mr. Ashdown ) or the Leader of the Opposition that they would draw the line anywhere on transfer of authority to Brussels .
27 I will have to risk the accusation because the point is too important : for both black and white American writers , in a wholly racialised society , there is no escape from racially inflected language , and the work writers do to unhobble the imagination from the demands of that language is complicated , interesting , and definitive .
28 Secondly I did write to all the members of the Council about the issue of the British National Corpus and their desire to have a record of English as she is spoke and their is a gentleman from here today , if you would care to stand up to identify yourself please .
29 Paul Henderson of the Daily Mail is in charge now and he is pushing against my door from the inside , but Today are their rivals , and outside the door is a man from Today in bell-bottoms and platform shoes .
30 Then there is a wail from ahead , a roar and a burst of light ; the face is gone for ever .
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