Example sentences of "be [prep] one [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yeah I 've been in one of them .
2 So you 've got the stairca , have you been in one of them ?
3 It just came to me and I knew it must be for one of you . ’
4 I reckon you 'd be like one of them statues — all hard and cold , sort of stuck in one shape .
5 I do n't suffer from ex-hatred myself , assuming that my partner must prefer me to any of her previous lovers or else she would be with one of them .
6 It might be on one of them leaflet things , you know they make the leaflets ?
7 But you to be on one of them in n it ?
8 A telephone enquiry disclosed that there were in fact two St Peter 's Schools in Wapping and that while we were in one of them the audience was in the other .
9 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
10 Such groups consist of closely related individuals , and in evolutionary terms at least it is worth one of them dying to help the others , in order that a predator may learn not to touch them again .
11 And Carol and Ann are white and all it needs is for one of them to lead the other , censoring friendship , arousing hostility .
12 She 's like one of them underwater swimmers I seen on telly — you know , all slow and graceful like .
13 That 's in one of them photos , we 're at that bar .
14 Perhaps it is from one of mine .
15 He was like one of us , you know .
16 Burun was in one of them , sitting with his back to the side pillar , his booted feet stretched out along the sill so that he was perched above a sheer drop to the marble-floored hallway below .
17 There were deep shadows across the room now and his face was in one of them so she could n't see his eyes clearly .
18 Our son was in one of them when he was at school .
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