Example sentences of "be [prep] a [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 WE have been through a lot in the press .
2 Bernice had been through a lot in the days they had been separated and he was proud of her .
3 Referring to an automobile accident which seriously injured his son in 1989 , he stated that his family had " been through a lot in the last two years " and that they were " more important than politics and personal ambition " .
4 Although it is still not clear how much we actually raised , initial indications are for a figure in excess of £3,000 , which is superb .
5 Of course you will grieve for the loss of your child , but I hope you will soon find out how caring and considerate people usually are of a woman in these circumstances .
6 Our impressions are of a team in which decisions are reached by consensus and with the minimum of tension .
7 Although we 're near a hole in time there 's no way it can escape into our universe .
8 ‘ We 're in a room in a big building .
9 They pretend they 're at a party in their lunch break .
10 There are holes in your pullover , your Barbour is in the last stage of decrepitude and your trousers ca n't have been near a press in months .
11 If the kidnap was bad enough , the death of his son , and done like that , has been like a bullet in his gut . ’
12 I am like a spectre in his house , come to claim his soul .
13 I pretend I am in a crib in a wood with the sky above me .
14 He 's one of the strongest scrummagers in the game yet has rarely been inside a gym in his life , although a few of his international colleagues swear that he must be a closet trainer .
15 I 'd never been in a helicopter in my life ; you think , ‘ This is alright , ’ until you get in the bloody thing !
16 He had been in a pub in Hammersmith when a hypnotist jumped on to a low podium and put on a show .
17 He had never been in a wood in his life ; but he was sharp enough to know that he might hide in a bush , or swarm up a tree … ‘ . )
18 She had been in a squat in London but had thought it would be pleasant to have some sea air for the baby for the summer .
19 The corpse has been in a freezer in Hawaii since he died there in exile in 1989 .
20 Although the LDP enjoyed an overall majority in the House of Representatives ( the lower chamber of the Diet ) , it had been in a minority in the 252-seat upper chamber , the House of Councillors , since the elections of July 1989 [ see pp. 36800-01 ] .
21 Liverpool fan Tony , aged 21 , has been in a coma in a hospital at Keighley , Yorks , since the soccer ground disaster three years ago .
22 I 've been in a sauna in London I belong to a health club there .
23 I 've never been in a fire in a theatre before — thankfully they 're almost unheard of .
24 And what about all the old people who have never been in a bank in their lives ? ’
25 ‘ When you are in a relationship in which you ask each other 's advice , when you respect each other , then the outward image of success , who earns the money , does n't matter . ’
26 Some , primarily because of their educational background , though there will be other causes , are in a position in a business enterprise to be able to define their own roles and will have a determining voice in deciding pay and other rewards and , in general , be able to define the procedures and roles by which others ' work will be done .
27 However , the Assamese are in a minority in several parts of the state , outnumbered by various tribes and by immigrants from Bangladesh ( hence several bloody clashes between the ULFA and militant tribesmen ) .
28 He added : ‘ The side has been doing really well without me but I 'm out to convince everybody that I 'm worth a place in the side . ’
29 And he said : ‘ The side has been doing really well without me but I 'm out to convince everybody that I 'm worth a place in the side . ’
30 It is only on the basis of such a model that the government , which considers one of its basic functions to be the management of the economy , can predict what the effect will be of a change in one of its policies .
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