Example sentences of "be [prep] [noun sg] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 It must have been clear to the Prussian government that if it had not been for government subsidy the Junker estates would have collapsed under their own weight long ago , but they were nevertheless incapable of striking at what they saw to be the basis and guarantor of their state and society .
2 or G There are included in the sale the following fixtures and fittings : ( Note : If fittings , etc , are of material value the price should be apportioned to reduce the consideration in the transfer , conveyance or assignment and therefore the stamp duty payable . )
3 Just a feelin' that the sooner we 're on board Isvik the better .
4 Wear shorts on Monday when the temperature is 65 degrees and be in winter clothes the next when it drops to 35 degrees .
5 If you are on Income Support the CAB can calculate whether a prepayment meter or deductions from your dole is the best option .
6 There were six to a cabin and they were on deck H. The initial was appropriate .
7 Megarry J in Spens v IRC ( 1970 ) 46 TC 276 at p285 stated : … where a trustee who receives income from investments holds those investments on trust for a life tenant , each sum received by the trustees is for surtax purposes the income of the life tenant as soon as it is received , for it is forthwith under the life tenant 's control .
8 The intuition is straightforward : optimal output is a decreasing function of time since the expected price on sales is a decreasing function of time ; optimal output is an increasing function of σ since the more variation there is in output price the higher is the expected price on sales ( recall that sales are made only when the price is sufficiently high ) ; optimal output is a decreasing function of the ( per unit ) storage cost since the more expensive it is to store the less attractive is storing .
9 The key to this concession analysis is to value concessions the seller might be prepared to make through the eyes of the buyer .
10 Notice how sensitive the board is to weight movements the further back you step .
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