Example sentences of "be [adj] from any [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The construct VAR unc declares the variables unc for use within P. These variables are distinct from any other variables with the same names that may be present in the external scope .
2 All of the above should be available from any good health food shop — fresh herbs are often found at supermarkets these days .
3 Many of the publications are revised annually , and newest editions should be available from any public reference library .
4 Most would agree that we are far from any theoretical consensus .
5 The arts are especially important and effective in arousing spiritual awareness because they can speak directly at a feeling level , as well as being free from any slavish dependence on religious ideas which are often rejected out of hand by secularists .
6 It is different from any Byzantine architecture in east or west but owes much of its fundamental character to the Byzantine style .
7 Each of these has its own local variety of English , which is different from any indigenous British variety .
8 Historically , world society has become a believable idea only in the last few hundred years , and science , technology , industry , and universal values are creating a twentieth century world that is different from any past age .
9 A member is entitled to a judgment that is free from any extraneous or ulterior motive .
10 So smooth is the splice that you ca n't see the join : the plasmid is indistinguishable from any other part of the chromosome .
11 Revolutionary Marxists can write off liberal democracy as a capitalist tool , or bourgeois ‘ con trick ’ , but then liberal democracy is indistinguishable from any other form of capitalist state — such as a military or fascist regime .
12 Do n't forget to take some Yorkshire parkin home with you — this delicious dark gingerbread is available from any good cake shop !
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