Example sentences of "be [adj] that [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With the issue of how Scotland is governed now dominating politics north of the border , Labour MPs are convinced that such a move by Liberal Democrats would be like turkeys voting for Christmas — the description employed by Callaghan of the Liberals who threatened to break the Lib-Lab pact .
2 The President today said , ‘ We are delighted that all the representations made to Life-President Banda and to representatives of the Malawi Government in this country have finally resulted in Vera Chirwa 's release .
3 A former Conservative agriculture minister , Michael Jopling ( Westmorland and Lonsdale ) , said : ‘ Can not we take some comfort from the fact that our safety rules and our arrangements are such that such a minute dose leads to widespread concern and a Commons statement ? ’
4 ‘ We are horrified that such an innocent young lad as our son Craig could be cut down in this way when he was doing humanitarian work , ’ he said .
5 I am sure that all the people of Belfast would like to thank my hon. Friend for her comments .
6 I 'm not at all sure about the relevance of the last of these qualifications to the proceedings this evening but I am sure that all the other qualifications and all the rest of the experience conspire to make John Cruikshank an eminently suitable lecturer on our subject for tonight , which is ‘ Proust : Novelist and Explorer ’ .
7 Having said that , and writing as a pronuclear energy member of the public , I am concerned that such a thing could ever have happened .
8 It should be clear that such a restoration is not to be undertaken lightly , and it should be entrusted only to a skilled professional .
9 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
10 When you first allow your dog off the leash outside you should be confident that all the basic commands , especially the command ‘ stay ’ have been mastered by your pet .
11 To use this script safely , you must be confident that all the damaged records are defective in the same way and will all be cured by this process .
12 But anyway , the railways there was a spurt on between in the late sixties on the railway and that 's when I think I was sure , not only because I was a branch secretary at the time but I 'm sure that all the British Railways there was a greater awareness of the fact that we had been deceived by the word nationalization .
13 There has also seemed to be a tendency among excavators either to cling rigidly to the date of a coin , or in the case of a pottery assemblage , to aim at an average date ; perhaps in some of the excavations of the thirties , the methods used were not refined enough for a director even to be sure that all the pottery came from a particular stratified layer , and if , therefore , a few sherds appeared which were out of dating context with the main assemblage , they could be put aside as ‘ intrusions ’ and ignored .
14 And breakfast was not only a leisurely start , it was also the only Sunday meal when he could be sure that all the members of his family would be together at table .
15 But the legal profession is understood to be concerned that such a move would compromise the impartial working of the Forensic Science Laboratories .
16 Maybe they would remake Anna Karenina when she was an actress , and everyone would be amazed that such a young girl could project such depths of emotion and hail her as the new Garbo .
17 You may be amazed that such an obvious shortcoming to a staff plan should have continued to escape my notice , but then you will agree that such is often the way with matters one has given abiding thought to over a period of time ; one is not struck by the truth until prompted quite accidentally by some external event .
18 For example , in evaluating the yield of a particular hybrid plant , they had to be certain that all the factors which , taken collectively , and variably , affect growth , such as climatic conditions , fertility of the soil , moisture , disease resistance , and so on , were adequately controlled so that the yield of the hybrid could be stringently compared with that of the non-hybrid .
19 Admirers of Furtwängler 's renowned mastery of large-scale symphonic structures will no doubt be disappointed that all the items presented here are of relatively short duration .
20 The main reason for this caution is that since a magnetic tape or a photograph furnish a permanent record of behaviour , the subject is entitled to be aware that such a permanent record is being made .
21 ‘ Miss Malcolm , I 'm surprised that such a powerful voice , such a powerful manner , that we should not hear it out of the chorus … ’
22 Once the required documents have been delivered , the registrar , under s. 12(1) , must be satisfied that all the requirements of the Act in respect of registration have been complied with .
23 It may nevertheless be true that such a country may have been able to establish links with either party .
24 Neighbours are shocked that such an attack could happen in their village .
25 From the House of Lords and the National Union he became a thorn in the flesh of the party leaders , where in a party government it would have been inconceivable that such a man , at the height of his powers and with powerful connections .
26 After the meeting , Mr Milburn said : ‘ We were delighted that such a clear commitment had been made . ’
27 The Blake case is still extremely sensitive because Blake was authorised to do some very terrible things in the East-West espionage war without MI6 being aware that all the time he was one of Russia 's most important agents .
28 The two men combed the moors , squelching through the soggy ground until they were satisfied that all the sheep had been rounded up and brought down to the lower pastures to safety .
29 When we were satisfied that all the holes in the walls , main door , loft door and roof were sealed up , and nothing could get in or out , we turned our attention to the exterior .
30 One point that has to be made straight away , is that it is not a good idea to start buying the components for a project published some time ago unless you are certain that all the components are still available ( even up-to-the-minute designs can suffer from supply problems with components — see Everyday Readout in this issue ) .
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