Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , Ter-Petrosyan announced on Aug. 9 that the Soviet authorities had agreed to extend the deadline for militias to surrender ( it had been due to expire that day ) , and that the Armenian authorities should handle disarming the militias without interference by Soviet forces ( reportedly at Bakatin 's request , Gorbachev issued a decree on Aug. 11 from his holiday retreat in the Crimea extending the deadline for two months ) .
2 In 1750 , although Pomeranian Słupsk had already become German Stolp , it had been possible to say that east of a line drawn from the tiny Pomeranian fishing hamlet of Rowy to the hamlet of Tuchomie , Polish or various Slav dialects were spoken .
3 If a customer wants to spend time deciding on a holiday we are prepared to spend that time .
4 McClellan has always been careful to stress that use of the stock control system must be counterbalanced by other aspects of the book provision process .
5 You 're not talking about a few thousand pounds but millions , millions I shall be borrowing from various banking concerns who are willing to lend that money on the strength of my reputation .
6 I am prepared to criticise that action when taken by a Conservative council .
7 Because I am delighted to report that education standards in Wales have been rising over the last few years following the introduction of the national curriculum and our other reforms .
8 We are delighted to report that Lady More has agreed to become the first president of the Society and has given us a most generous donation in memory of her husband .
9 We are delighted to support that success when it occurs .
10 ‘ As no one could have foreseen the sharp fall in the base rate after Black Wednesday , it would have been impossible to predict that variable rates and the cost of fixed rate mortgages would have fallen so far . ’
11 As women , we 're able to do that weaving and keep the ball afloat and we 're learning to have a different sort of peer group .
12 Technology is changing our world so much that small groups of people through computers and elsewhere are able to determine vast patterns of human behaviour and so it 's gon na be a long struggle but through our struggle in Africa and your struggle here where we all want democracy but democracy 's only a process what we have to contend with is also power because ultimately it 's only when you 're able to exercise that power that you can deliver for the majority of the people .
13 What we 're ready to pitch that sort of thing
14 When these feelings are internalized , ageing people too readily believe that they are what they are , and they are likely to remain that way .
15 Now that Mr De Benedetti has been engulfed by Italy 's bribery scandals , things are likely to stay that way .
16 Many of the terms potentially caught by s3 are likely to satisfy that test , especially if the contract is between businesses and the terms are consistent with similar terms used by other businesses in the same line .
17 However , the IPC of the Association of British Insurers ( ABI ) in its memorandum dated 25 February 1990 requests that such buy-backs should be approved by a special resolution , and most listed companies with ABI members as shareholders are likely to follow that committee 's guidelines .
18 However , there is a tendency in the profession to develop specialist expertise and solicitors in commerce and industry are likely to follow that trend .
19 It is known that they used ink — there are clay cups with ink inscriptions inside them — and it would have been natural to use that ink for cursive writing on a material such as parchment or papyrus .
20 The trouble is that only a few are privileged to see that side .
21 Being an ex-Hamble aircraft , I am glad to say that G-ARJU , the example flown for this article , has civilised elevator and rudder trims .
22 I am glad to confirm that fact .
23 1 Bilingual Service Providers — people who are both qualified to provide a service ( such as doctors , policemen , lawyers and environmental health officers ) and are competent to offer that service in either English or another language .
24 Am I-going to get that film undeveloped ? ’
25 In fact , even with the Pentagon spending about $1000 million a year on research into laser and anti-ballistic missile systems , lasers are unlikely to meet that deadline , said George Keyworth , Reagan 's science adviser and a physicist , last year .
26 Ideology , defined as the control over certain potential media of objectification in society by interest groups such that those who externalize themselves on to those media are unable to recognize that section of themselves , is a common historical phenomenon .
27 Presumably they acquire this knowledge when the tide is high and they can swim from one basin to another , and they are able to translate that information into a mental picture of their entire territory .
28 Yes , I think it 's just to follow on from that erm about trusting children to give us the sort of clues that we need to be able to respond to , very often they do that in ways that are not directly associated perhaps with the anxiety that 's around , so that they may be expressing their anxiety by just generally difficult behaviour or by wetting the bed at night , or maybe being quite disruptive in their play , or provoking other children , and adults who are able to see that sort of behaviour as useful for information for us , so that we can respond appropriately , not out of anger and a erm judgemental sort of response , but in a way that we can support their anxiety by by not getting over excited and + and erm responding in a very aggressive way to the very aggression that they 're expressing as a result of their anxiety .
29 It therefore becomes imperative that if we see an activation of the macroscopic current , that we are able to express that activation in terms of a change in one or the other of those so-called microscopic parameters .
30 It is as a result of the citizens charter that we are able to have that expectation .
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