Example sentences of "be [adj] [adv] that it " in BNC.

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1 It is the extraordinary manner in which the pathological imagery has simply been inverted so that it forms the basis of a pastoral view which asserts the strength and durability of black family life and , in present circumstances , retreats from confronting the difficult issues which result in black children arriving in care in the first place .
2 When entertaining , much depends on the kind of entertainment you like , and what adaptations may be possible so that it is still a pleasure and not a strain .
3 If we assume that you are writing on the right-hand page of an examination book or on loose examination sheets , bound at the top left-hand corner , then the identifying number of the question should be large so that it is easily seen and should be at the top right-hand corner .
4 This particular one is called a rail turn and two half hitches it needs to be tight so that it does n't come undone when we 're out there .
5 But I did n't like working at Johnny Walkers so I think it was quite a good thing at the time , although I did n't really like it I 'm glad now that it happened cos I 'd probably still be working in there .
6 It will be free-draining so that it is never waterlogged and will be well aerated .
7 But despite this general rule Parliament can if it wishes confine a decision on a question of law to a particular inferior court and provide that the decision shall be final so that it is not to be challenged either by appeal or by judicial review .
8 Yet , paradoxically , despite a failure to agree about what education should aim for , what it should actually do , everyone seems to be certain both that it should do something , and that it is not doing it .
9 I 'm frightened now that it will unsettle me , bring back too many memories .
10 Shortly stated , the main issue is whether a school which is over-subscribed so that it can not accept all the applications for admission can adopt religious criteria ( i.e. criteria intended to preserve the character of the school ) in selecting the successful applicants for admission and thereby exempt itself under section 6(3) ( a ) from the duty under section 6(2) to give effect to the preferences expressed by parents whose children do not meet such criteria .
11 At a push boiling oil on its own will do the job , but a typical mixture has corrosive properties and is sticky so that it adheres to exposed flesh .
12 It 's interesting actually that it says on all the outsides of all the tapes Aston Business School so I 'd just like to say for the benefit of the tape recorder and the British National Corpus , this is where the Business School ends and this is where Psychology takes over .
13 It is motorised so that it can rapidly circumnavigate the platform , measuring distances by trigonometry as it moves to record a human head can take as little as fifteen to twenty seconds .
14 I mean it 's all very that it 's it 's there it 's actually putting in in place .
15 Extra-Statutory Concession D2 has also been amended as far as an individual is concerned so that it does not apply to a settlor of a resident or non-resident " settlor-interested " settlement .
16 He described it as ‘ a sort of mechanised private file and library in which an individual stores his books , records and communications , and which is mechanised so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility ’ .
17 A cat inhibits the desire to chase the bird until it is ready so that it has the highest chance of success .
18 No matter what undercurrents had passed between them last night , it had been true enough that it was la Principessa who 'd sent her grandson to collect her at the Sala dell'Arte .
19 The mountainside , climbing steeply from the head of the meadow , was concave so that it formed a natural amphitheatre cupping a quarry face .
20 She had been right in her assumption about the photograph — she was sure now that it had been taken at one of those supper parties , and without prior warning .
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