Example sentences of "be [adj] [pers pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the potential rewards are high it is worth pursuing , but knowing when to stop is not easy , and formalized methods of planning are not always easy to apply .
2 Although we are convinced we are under no ob ] igation to make additional payments which you ask , we are prepared as you demand in your telex of the 26th June , 1973 , and in order to maintain an amicable relationship and without prejudice to our rights , to make an increase of 10 per cent .
3 ‘ But German Intelligence are convinced he 's on their side ? ’
4 Having read it , I am convinced it is by far the most important study of both the man and the scientist .
5 He said later he had been unaware they were on the list of defaulters .
6 Yeah and , and if you could , I mean the thing is , if you 're , if er , if we did n't have each other to go off with erm it would have made everything for us a lot different , I mean okay we 're lucky we 're in a situation where we do know a lot of people who are , who are like- minded
7 If you 're sure he 's in the Mimosa that is . ’
8 The important thing is that if you get up at night to have a wee , you beware that you may feel a little bit lightheaded , so you get up slowly , sit on the edge of the bed , you stand up slowly , and when you 're happy you 're off , off you go .
9 And then , when you think you have everything under control , when you 're certain you 're in complete command of it all your thoughts , your life , your world and your work what does Time do ?
10 I 'm s sure sir , you 're aware it 's outside the City walls and if you 're commu commu If rail travel is possible from a new settlement to the Town Centre , the actual nu proportion of people using the rail , I would submit it would be very small , because say if you 're a shop worker in er Marks and Spencers , then you 've got a considerable walk from York City Station for example .
11 I am glad it is behind me . ’
12 PAMELA : I am glad he is in such good company and I wish him joy .
13 In the event , the water is far from hot — the EOKA gunmen who were once interned in this camp probably relied on the same boiler for water , and I am sure it was with a wry sense of humour that the Greek Cypriot government allocated St David 's Camp to the British contingent of the UN Forces in Cyprus .
14 As £100 means a lot to our funds I am sure it was worth all our efforts !
15 I suppose the difficulty about us is that so far as money and possessions are concerned we 're at a more primitive stage than the rest .
16 Certainly , as far as we are concerned we are after cattle from the periphery of our patch , that is North Wales and Lancashire .
17 MAKING money is all about timing and I reckon that as far as mortgage rates are concerned we are within a whisker of hitting the bottom .
18 These flares are short I 'm in a right muddle really .
19 Whenever possible I try to get a Lecture Theatre , erm but I was told it was booked all day today we were originally in presentation room then came , so be grateful we 're in the Board Room .
20 I mean , I 'm sorry I 'm like this .
21 Most of the other examples cited in Bolinger 's article as adjectives capable only of sense-qualification do not seem to us to be properly so classified either ; if they are felt to be atypical it is for some other reason .
22 Er er I 'm afraid they 're about all passed on , now .
23 " I 'm afraid I 'm in something of a hurry but I was just passing and thought I would call in on the off-chance .
24 Well , I 'm afraid I 'm against the erm , Sports Centre to be honest .
25 ‘ Exactly , but I 'm afraid it 's on a need to know basis .
26 ‘ I 'm afraid it 's on its way , ’ he shouted above the hammering as she jumped out of the car .
27 ‘ Unless we can think of something really clever , I 'm afraid it 's about all we can do .
28 ‘ I 'm afraid he 's in Nottingham just now .
29 If he finds me at it again he 'll be convinced I 'm on the slippery slope . ’
30 is to be honest she 's of little benefit to my organization .
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