Example sentences of "be [adj] but [pron] did " in BNC.

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1 The revolution at Northampton may have been different but it did have uncanny echoes of what had gone on at Neath .
2 specifically told you from yesterday but you just , I said I 'm sorry but you did n't , you did not say that you were n't to go to lunch
3 No erm but I 'm sorry but whoever did that needs a fucking good kick in the head you know .
4 About Hattie , she was n't in the concert cos she supposed to be ill but she did n't even come to watch and her parents came to watch her .
5 I believe he wanted to be kind but I did n't go .
6 I remember having a problem like that where we were erm we had a , a load of erm we were watering that material it was warmed , we thought of course would be alright but they did er , they were quite sensitive to it and they looked quite miserable .
7 ‘ I knew your legs were good but I did n't realize they were that spectacular , ’ Prince Charles is reported to have commented .
8 I had initially met a lot of people who were gay but I did n't really identify with them and sort of felt , ‘ Yes , but is this it ? ’
9 The defence of volenti would fail as Brian may be aware that John is drunk but he did not consent to him driving negligently .
10 If your joints are good , no cramping is necessary but I did put a couple of webbing cramps on my chair just to be on the safe side .
11 There was an offer in the letter if my memory 's correct but it did n't actually specify what their offer was and really I think what the Council want to do is exactly what they are offering because we have to be minded all the time that the that er applicant does not own all the land and , and certainly it is , is , is the wish I think of this Council , I believe unanimously , and , and I think a lot of the residents , that we do somehow acquire a pedestrian link .
12 He would be bald before he was fifty but I did n't think now was the time to tell him .
13 I said Ben was wet but I did n't , his bed was n't , so god knows
14 ‘ The first time we met I thought she was gorgeous but I did n't ask for her phone number because I imagined every man must do that .
15 The life of the anchoress was hard but she did not necessarily give herself over to excessive penance .
16 When the Guggenheim made a retrospective in 1973 , Tom Messer , the then Director , said the Tate show was fine but he did n't want the prints .
17 People took them in for them other people what was sick but we did n't never have no dosh . ’
18 We knew he was sick but we did n't know to what extent and he did n't want any sympathy .
19 Sometimes I thought that what was so outstanding was how he taught rather than what he taught , but then one realised that the two were inseparable in their effect , that this was the quality of the medium who spoke to each one of us who was present but who did not selfishly intervene .
20 The tone was casual but it did not deceive Iris .
21 I could tell Mum was awake but she did n't offer to move or say anything .
22 I knew she was angry but I did n't care .
23 And as , as we said before , erm , many of the , erm people who lived in the poorer parts of erm the country , whether in urban or rural En erm England did n't really know about basic nutrition and and health I mean you just ate what was available but you did n't know why and so the government started this campaign to introduce you know knowledge about diet and how important it was .
24 I started when I was nine and carried on till I was fifteen but I did n't turn round ( spin ) very good .
25 Well it was hot but it did n't come out quick .
26 Eventually he bent over and told the Head Girl to kick him ; she was amazed but she did so — just stepped forward and kicked him and that was exactly the step he wanted .
27 She was marvellous but I did n't tell the fat bastard that .
28 It was nice but I did n't like the
29 It was nice but I did n't like the
30 It was alright but I did n't like the Saturday work .
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