Example sentences of "be [adj] that [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The thirty-nine works Brooklyn acquired nineteen paintings , nine works on paper and three sculptures ; the Met gained seven oils and one work on paper are all that remained of the hundreds of works the Lowenthals purchased between 1943 and 1958 .
2 For the sake of clarity , one possible solution is to provide that the SSAPs to be used are those that applied at a specified date even if changed subsequently between exchange and completion .
3 Could anything be serious that had at its centre this lovable , rogueish , bumbling figure ( ’ That 's another fine mess you 've got us into , Ollie ’ ) ?
4 In his first , Lucky Jim , there had been an offensive character called Bertrand , a painter and a pacifist who preferred his name to be pronounced in the French manner : clearly a late derivative of Bloomsbury and a poseur of the worst water ; and even if he were not a rival-in-love of the hero , that ( one feels ) would be all that needed to be said about him .
5 Thus Sir Archibald Geikie ( of the Geological Survey ) in an address at Birmingham in 1898 deplored the idea of splitting schools into two sides or sections ; but the trend towards specialization proved hard to control , and to some the sciences did seem to be all that needed to be known .
6 Her foolhardy Aries courage might be all that stood between her and a lifetime of misery .
7 In the centre of the carbonaceous ball I could discern a small whitish marble which seemed to be all that remained of the original vegetable .
8 were all that remained of the boat at Sutton Hoo .
9 A few pale streaks of mauve were all that remained of the sunset ; inside , the room was cosy with shaded lamps , a thick brown carpet and rich mahogany furniture .
10 Outside the circle a few mounds and stones were all that remained of the huddle of huts that had once crowded under the broch 's protection .
11 Across the gill a rusting compressed air chamber and a few ruined walls were all that remained of the Sir Francis Level , one of the last and most mechanised mines driven in the dale .
12 Within a few decades , forests and animals had returned to the shattered islands which were all that remained of Krakatoa 's outer rim ; and from the waters between them emerged an ominous smoking mound , sometimes growing at a rate of more than three feet a month .
13 A few miles away , in three directions , lay the crescent islands of Verlaten , Lang Eiland and Rakata , which were all that remained of the original mother volcano 's metamorphosis .
14 They were all that remained of the men who had worked here on the Project .
15 The press is far older in Africa than is generally supposed , the first newspapers probably being those that appeared during the Napoleonic occupation of Egypt in 1797 .
16 Peters and Waterman found the excellent companies were those that kept to the business they knew best .
17 Propagating contractions were those that appeared at adjacent recording sites within 30 seconds of each other .
18 His top rate , on incomes of £150 or more , at a shilling in the pound was half that imposed by Pitt .
19 Beauty inside her , and the beauty was light that came in sizes which spanned the galaxies or spun inside electrons .
20 During the summer , when Sirius rises heliacally , only twelve of these divisions of the sky can be seen rising during the hours of darkness , and it was this that led to the twelve-hour division of the night .
21 It was this that led to the first hints of how the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity might affect each other — a glimpse of the shape of a quantum theory of gravity yet to come .
22 Strach was giving the ball away , it was this that led to Alex 's equaliser .
23 In one of these dusty tomes he read in wonderment of the treasures of Tutenkamen and it was this that ignited in young Garrett a fire of enthusiasm for treasure hunting that still burns strongly today .
24 It was this that accounted for [ the ] breadth and resiliency [ of the militancy ] , its tendency to spill over the boundaries of normal industrial action , its unique ability to involve women as well as men , and its political dimensions .
25 But a victory by Elliott in the final event of General Portfolio 's grandly mis-named Mile of Miles series was all that mattered to selectors three days after they chose him ahead of Cram for the Commonwealth Games .
26 The overemphasis on nuclear weapons and missiles at the expense of conventional forces was seen by many observers , both military and civilian , to have gone too far , too fast , and too soon ; but the political prize of ending National Service had been seized and that was all that mattered to the Macmillan Government in 1957 .
27 She soon realised that Stephen 's mother thought she was demeaning herself by ‘ hobnobbing with the peasantry ’ but Stephen was grateful for her interest and that was all that mattered to Tamar .
28 That my greed for this house — this vineyard was all that mattered to me . ’
29 ‘ But that was all that passed between us , ’ Ronni hastily assured Guido .
30 The brigade , with its supporting artillery , was all that lay between the French and victory .
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