Example sentences of "be [adj] for all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That males and whites are not homogeneous groups , and that many school experiences are similar for all students tends to be ignored .
2 Showing that their displays are appropriate for all types of buildings they picked up the third prize for their display at the Marriott Hotel also in Dyce .
3 Bamboo skewers are ideal for all sorts of kebabs , but soak them first in warm water .
4 are stimulating for all people in society
5 In addition , attention to the special needs of the pupil with poor sight in terms of good lighting , classroom arrangement and clear presentation of materials can raise the teacher 's awareness of the way in which these aspects of classroom ecology are helpful for all pupils .
6 Functional department heads are responsible for the organisation of the department , but project coordinators are responsible for all aspects of the project itself .
7 Managers are responsible for all aspects of their branch and should be able to investigate and resolve your complaint .
8 The CBoT Directors are responsible for all aspects of the Exchange 's activity .
9 No political decision … can be right for all time .
10 Different types of pupil will gravitate towards different sub-topics , but all will have the common link of starting from the same stimulus ; it will be possible for all children to contribute to whatever may be the concluding feature , such as an exhibition , poster or class booklet .
11 I hope it will be possible for all questionnaires to be returned by 30th September 1985 at the latest , but if in practice this is likely to cause problems , I shall of course be happy to receive them a little later .
12 It may be impractical for all clubs to ‘ invest ’ in another replay in this manner earlier in the competition .
13 More significantly in 1993 the Committee recommended that it would be sensible for all drinks in the UK to be taxed equally , according to their alcohol content .
14 Lectures and concerts were to be given , for which topics of current interest should be very carefully chosen , and which had to be free for all comers .
15 Its symbolism may or may not be universal for all mankind , or for all within one culture , but enough dream material is common for others to be interested and gripped by a person who recounts his dreams .
16 With more express items carrying the same design , it will be easier for all countries throughout the world to recognise them and give them priority treatment .
17 Over ninety percent of the world 's data is indeed not held in a relational database , and it may not be appropriate for all forms of information .
18 To what extent can it be the case that a decision-making process that is dominated by white , male , middle-aged and middle class civil servants is likely to be appropriate for all areas of social and economic policy ?
19 It will be impossible for all members of a governing body to absorb all that needs to be known about the vast subject of special needs and to be adequately informed at the same time about all the other endeavours which they have to promote .
20 ‘ With retirement , the timing can be crucial for all sorts of reasons ; for tax and pension provision , but also so that the ground rules can be prepared for post-retirement activities . ’
21 A school spokesman said the evening would be useful for all Year 9 , 10 and 11 pupils in 11–16 schools .
22 The journal in its new form will be invaluable for all parish catechists and for Catholic teachers of RE , in both primary and secondary schools .
23 It was fun , and I think I actually played some great shit , and if it gets on the radio it 's going to be good for all jazz guys , because there are some pretty hip notes in there … ! ’
24 Presentations at this level might include memorised scripts for minor parts in school productions — though this will not be feasible for all pupils .
25 We will go on to create a Department of Legal Administration headed by a Minister in the Commons who will be responsible for all courts and tribunals in England and Wales .
26 Both cases involved plant hire contracts on the Contractors Plant Association standard terms which provided in clause 8 that drivers of equipment supplied by the owner were : for all purposes in connection with their employment in the working of the plant to be regarded as the servants or agents of the hirer … who alone shall be responsible for all claims arising in connection with the operation of the plant by the said drivers or operators .
27 This will then leave all the other issues of the Exchequer Division to be dealt with , preferably in a third group , under the direct supervision of the Assistant Director , who would also be responsible for all Council Tax matters on behalf of the Depute Director as required .
28 WACC 's Latin American/Caribbean Regional Association ( WACC/LA-C ) will be responsible for all training programmes .
29 One part of BR will continue to be responsible for all track and infrastructure .
30 In his new role , he will be responsible for all CCG 's operations and business development across Scotland , both on and offshore .
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