Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] we [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They 're all wooing us now that we 're playing local music , wanting to introduce us to their artists , sampling us with their product . ’
2 None of these difficulties are likely to trouble us much in daily life , but they remain genuine difficulties none the less and raise issues of fundamental importance ; for if there can be no absolutely reliable and unequivocal criteria for deciding whether any given existent remains numerically , and not merely qualitatively , the same from one moment in time to the next , then we can not hope to be able to " define " the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity in terms of the criteria of particular-identification .
3 Some of these , no doubt , are very satisfactory to us in our present state of opinion about the constitution of bodies , but there are others which are likely to startle us out of our complacency and perhaps ultimately to drive us out of all the hypotheses in which we have hitherto found refuge into that thoroughly conscious ignorance which is a prelude to every real advance.in knowledge .
4 If you are interested in our products but are unable to visit us please phone or fax us for our mail order lists .
5 We knew that we should have to find this for ourselves , as the Billeting Office would not be prepared to move us again , nor lend a very sympathetic ear to our complaints .
6 " I do n't think there 's going to be much to trouble us here , Hazel , " said Bigwig .
7 As he was the NME 's star writer I guess Malcolm realised that once the band really started to get going , Nick would be able to help us out — whether he knew it or not .
8 It now remained to be seen whether this headman would be able to hand us over to another in Bahdu .
9 I hope that the Minister will be able to tell us why that change took place .
10 I mean , basically building societies today are saying , well there 's your money , all we want you to say is that in twenty five years time or earlier , you 'll be able to pay us back .
11 But by all means if you 've got something bring it along and that would give us a starter for five I 'm keen to see us also trying to once we 've got this going going down the S P Q road ah had lunch with the other day at I mean it was I mean she was n't meeting him necessarily wearing a B A I E hat of not um and I think she I think she touched on that though while while while they were lunching. erm I put down progress because I was thinking of the Pilgrims Progress at the time
12 as opposed to the , but , but some cupboard doors are diamond pattern , Muffin will you be quiet have we any more bones cooked for them or have they had them all ?
13 Des McNulty , who chairs Strathclyde 's local government reorganisation subcommittee , said : ‘ Imagine the number of additional teachers , policemen and home helps we could employ if the Government were prepared to give us even £500 million over a five-year period .
14 ‘ When we 're so perfectly matched , the duration is likely to suit us equally perfectly .
15 Lieberson in a powerful and detailed critique of experimental thinking in social research , after all one of the cornerstones of variable analysis , argues that although most data in social research are non-experimental in origin , they are " treated as if they were truly experimental data … sliced , chopped , beaten , molded , baked , and finally artificially coloured until the researcher is able to serve us proudly with a plateful of mock experiment " .
16 This is a big order — so big that it 's safe to say we only partially achieve this in ourselves , to say nothing of our children .
17 Hence none of the engines of recovery is available to pull us out of the recession .
18 He 's willin' to pilot us there .
19 That is enough to get us back into the top flight .
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