Example sentences of "be [verb] on [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Having been placed on to three lengths of webbing , six men would be required to lift the shell and put it into the case ; the webs were then cut , as it would not have been possible to withdraw them .
2 ‘ Got to observe strict ARP , you see , Miss , though here we are gettin' on for five months of war and not a peep out of a Jerry plane .
3 When he 'd been banging on for several minutes about immigration , infiltration , dilution of the great Anglo-Saxon race and a lot more of the same , I seized the opportunity , rather neatly I thought , to observe that indeed things had come to a pretty pass when the name Patel was as common as Smith in England .
4 Section 10 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and s.213 of the Insolvency Act 1986 together provide that if in the course of winding up it appears that any business of the company has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or other persons , or for any fraudulent purpose , the liquidator may apply to the court for a declaration that any persons who were knowingly parties to such fraudulent trading are liable to make such contributions to the company 's assets as the court thinks proper .
5 At the time of Leathart 's survey , Taylor 's Level had been carried on for some 210 fathoms , and was then about 35 fathoms short of being below the deepening sump in the floor of Fleming 's .
6 Members of the TAC are represented on both committees , and other TAC members are coopted on to many of their working parties .
7 Strobe lights are turned on to full effect for ‘ Bring It On Down ’ , which comes complete with a sample of Donna Summer 's old disco smash ‘ I Feel Love ’ , incongruous amidst the white English chaos — albeit a very controlled and theatrical type of chaos .
8 Strobe lights are turned on to full effect for ‘ Bring It On Down ’ , which comes complete with a sample of Donna Summer 's old disco smash ‘ I Feel Love ’ , incongruous amidst the white English chaos — albeit a very controlled and theatrical type of chaos .
9 Members sponsored by unions who are turned on by that prospect ?
10 Candidates from both the UK and overseas are accepted on to this full-time programme .
11 The growth hormone gene had been turned on in all the cells throughout the body and the increased production of the growth hormone had resulted in increased growth .
12 And we 're hanging on to each other trying to get on the plane .
13 As for the staff , they 're going on to new jobs .
14 Good , you 're getting on to good ideas now .
15 We 'll come back on to that later on , because it , it , it , if this is what happens with you , because what 's happening there is , you 're not using the adrenaline , and we will , we 're moving on to that where you do n't use up the adrenalin .
16 God , we 've only just met and you 're coming on like some rampant nut-eater .
17 is , is , in London and we deal with the British Section which is are the particular bits , but the prisoners have to be vatted and looked at and found by the International Secretaires , then they 're passed on to British Section who pass them on to us and a great deal of research goes into making sure that they really are truly prisoners of conscience , that they 've been in prison for some er possibly because of their belief or religion or their race erm and they 've not taken or advocated violence not taken part in or advocated violence and then , then they are full prisoners of conscience erm we maybe allocated them .
18 ‘ If you 're forced to live on benefits you 're thrown on to such a low level that you ca n't dress properly for interviews or even afford the travel involved .
19 We 're carrying on with that as normal and with many other jobs as well ; we 've cut down some of our local training sorties to release aircraft for the main lift , but we 're coping pretty well .
20 Our big problem is that we have over thirty million pounds ' worth of schemes actually in building at the moment , and of course you ca n't stop those without wasting a , an enormous amount of money , so we 're carrying on with those .
21 Although the National Certificate , with its competence-based , internally-assessed modules , has almost become part of the educational establishment now , we should not forget that Scotland led the way in the development of this kind of award and our experience has been drawn on in subsequent moves to make all Britain 's vocational qualifications modular and competence-based .
22 He was a small boy of six who lived just around the corner from her , and for days he had been going on about this great talking parrot his father had given him .
23 ICL 's parallel engine will effectively productise work that has been going on since 1989 under the auspices of a European Community Esprit II project known as the European Declarative System , EDS .
24 For three years , between July 1936 and April 1939 , two opposing forces attempted to settle by military means a dispute which had been going on since 1931 over what form the state should take in Spain .
25 He believes that the bourgeois epoch of history is in its terminal crisis , but concedes that this crisis may have been going on since 1848 , which stretches not only ‘ bourgeois ’ but ‘ crisis ’ to breakingpoint .
26 There are a number of problems caused by a protracted campaign — and arguably , this election has been going on since last autumn when everyone started wondering whether Major could pull it off .
27 Talks have been going on since last night and the former Celtic and Manchester United star is set to travel north to sort out the details of his contract .
28 Efforts to procure his extradition , which have been going on for five years , and which seemed for a time to have been successful , have now been thwarted , at least for the moment .
29 Is he aware that the negotiations have been going on for five years , that we must have a replacement for the multi-fibre arrangement that will enable our textiles to penetrate the markets of countries which do not allow any textiles in and those with tariffs of 200 per cent. , and that even the United States has a tariff of 36 per cent .
30 Negotiations had been going on for 17 months before the strike .
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