Example sentences of "be [verb] is [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ian Slater Calverton 's U D M branch delegate says the speed at which the meeting has been arranged is another attempt by British Coal to reduce the review period which could give the mine a nine month life line .
2 In reality what has been happening is that humanity , driven by the inexorable power of the primordial desire for earthly happiness , has been producing a constant stream of decisions from which the good , which will ultimately help with the building of the Created God , have been extracted .
3 But he agrees whether they 're imposed is another story .
4 So what you 're saying is that Cabinet government in the eighties has been a matter of trench warfare with exchanges conducted in the shape of mortar fire .
5 One point on which we are agreed is that instability in the economy is a definite hindrance .
6 What environmentalists are saying is that change should not be made for the benefit of a few and to the detriment of many .
7 A third effect which could be added is that business experience would be gained by the local merchant , and thus the society begins to develop a pool of people with such business experience .
8 What can not be claimed is that education is always the cause and economic growth the effect .
9 The first generalization that can be made is that andesite lavas are more viscous than basalt ones .
10 The most fundamental realization that needs to be made is that desktop publishing uses ‘ real ’ typefaces which are proportionally spaced and not the monospaced characters of the word processing world .
11 What can be seen is that Parliament can not have intended an implied limitation along the lines of Ex parte Blain , 12 Ch.D. 522 .
12 Establishing priorities in the sometimes confused jumble of things to be done is another expression of the officer 's autonomy .
13 All that can be said is that Labour has lost elections in the past when the press was more favourable than it now is .
14 The claim that a class may or may not allow itself to be exploited is another case of Poulantzas ' belief that the course of the class struggle is not altogether determined by the structural constraints of a particular phase of capitalism .
15 Another point which should not be overlooked is that Committee papers are read by a good many Ministers who do not attend the meetings , and these papers are often the only means they have of keeping themselves abreast of developments in policy .
16 The conclusion to be drawn is that monotony is clearly associated with work dissatisfaction , and this is supported by the large number of housewives who mentioned monotony spontaneously at various points in the interview .
17 Still , it is sometimes possible to infer alterations over time , and one direct conclusion that can be drawn is that part , at least , of landlords ' rationale was economic : within a situation affected by such non-economic factors as pious donations , landlords organised estates and renders to maximise resources .
18 The constantly-dripping nose for which no explanation can be found is another example , the catarrh which never quite clears up , the cold that comes out of the blue when life is difficult for us .
19 One of the hypotheses which will be tested is that comprehension of the logical character of ‘ mental state verbs ’ is necessary for understanding that some sentences are true in virtue of their form alone ( eg ‘ The father is a man ’ ) .
20 In other words , what would appear to be required is some awareness on the part of the defendant that he was making the task of the police a more difficult one , and this element may have been lacking in Willmott v. Atack , which would explain why the appeal was allowed .
21 But at times it 's been hard to ignore that sinking feeling that what we 've been witnessing is another case of gradual rock'n'roll suicide , that what we 're about to experience is the possible self-destruction of not just one individual but a whole band .
22 Whether or not those complaints were justified is another matter ; enough that at the time I felt they were .
23 It is tempting to think that what is being attempted is some sort of solar containment , trapping the power of the sun and storing for energy .
24 How these settlements and farms were run is another matter indeed , one more for speculation than evidence .
25 In The French Lieutenant 's Woman ( 1969 ) , John Fowles ( or a version of him ) intrudes famously — or notoriously — into chapter thirteen to discuss his tactics and emphasize that ‘ this story I am telling is all imagination .
26 What is said is that mention was made of the ‘ so-calledrevolt of certain ministers ’ .
27 Subsequent of that of course to meet the need we had Stage Directions come into being very vibrant thrusting young people theatre 's company and really what 's happen is that Stage Directions in part anyway has taken over the mantle of the old Harlow youth theatre .
28 What is needed is that disability arts ( and the disability movement ) does not simply imitate the view of the world that pleases white , middle-class males .
29 What is needed is some mechanism for enforcement of the agreement , so that it would be in no one 's interest to break it .
30 What is needed is some basis for estimating the functional from a finite number of experimental results .
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