Example sentences of "be [verb] which [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At least one deal has been mooted which would allow European firms to publish simultaneously in several languages .
2 Seven actions for drivers are listed which would lead to improvement in air quality .
3 Much is now known about the biological characteristics of pathogens and the epidemiology of infection , and successful methods have been developed which can inhibit the growth and spread , and harmful effects of these organisms .
4 Despite modern-day technology , no better materials have been developed which will do the job as well .
5 When an enquiry has been received which may lead to an export contract , what options are available for securing payment from the overseas buyer ?
6 Awards have been designed which will provide progression to SVQs and general SVQs .
7 For all three , some suggestions are made which could provide the basis for tests of effectiveness .
8 And how many posters they what size and shape of posters they 're doing which will affect which site of course .
9 We , we want there to be elements of socialism built into the capitalism we 're creating which will allow us to go straight into , to socialism in the future .
10 Various sales training techniques have been used which would seem extraordinary and perverse to clients — if only they knew .
11 The first phase of the Trust 's Environmental Audit , announced in the summer 1990 issue of the magazine , has now been completed and a programme has been approved which should result in the principles of environmental protection being more firmly entrenched in the Trust 's activities .
12 From the discussions that I have had with those groups and from some statements that I have received — I do not want to go into detail because they were confidential — I am confident that a solution could have been found which would have formed a reasoned consensus for those groups , for the interests that they represent and for the House .
13 Some models of development had been proposed which would require changes in the Charter and Statutes , but since there was no evidence that the government wished to see any change in the basic role ‘ of the Council or in the status of institutions in the maintained sector ’ , the Council had given priority in the shorter term to developments within the existing Charter and Statutes .
14 The camera has n't yet been invented which could have captured the magic of my mush that morning .
15 Neither will the examination alter the situation , for the thermometer has not yet been invented which can bring down the temperature of the fever-stricken patient .
16 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton disaster .
17 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton accident .
18 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
19 The argue that if the environment is to be properly safeguarded policies must be formulated which will encourage favourable ongoing management .
20 We want a new union to be formed which will represent the interests of everyone .
21 In the existing conditions of financial crisis , it was essential for a government to be formed which could ensure a parliamentary majority in support of the economy measures so that they could pass the Commons .
22 This loneliness then tends to be misdiagnosed as depression and medications may be prescribed which may make the disease even worse .
23 Considering that there ate 168 hours in each week , it becomes quite obvious that it is unlikely that staffing rosters could be arranged which would permit the employment of full-time staff only .
24 As I argued in Chapter 5 , I am doubtful both whether such a condition really occurs at all , and whether , if it were to exist , drugs are ever likely to be developed which can help it .
25 If we accept the ‘ three es ’ definition of VFM — economy , efficiency and effectiveness , — then financial information systems need to be developed which will promote ‘ efficiency ’ and ‘ effectiveness ’ in addition to economy .
26 Cheap tests will be developed which will allow everyone to be tested for the variants of genes determining psychiatric ailments or psychic qualities outside the doctor 's office .
27 For example , some crime was to be committed which would bring upon the Old Navigator , as Coleridge afterwards delighted to call him , the spectral persecution … and his own wanderings .
28 These include the effect on exports from the UK , and regional unemployment , as well as a ‘ catch-all ’ gateway ( b ) : restrictions may be permitted which would confer on the public as purchasers , consumers or users of any goods or services , other specific and substantial benefits or advantages enjoyed or likely to be enjoyed by them as such .
29 Fortunately , the VAX command DIR/FULL gives enough information to allow a FORTRAN program to be written which can read the data block by block , and then replace the arc coordinates by randomized values drawn from some appropriate probability distribution .
30 The findings indicated there was probably no major savings in efficiency to be made which would produce a commercial charge more than the present public authority cost .
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