Example sentences of "be [verb] that i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are reminded that I have the backing of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
2 A reply might be that surely I am inferring that I see a sheep in the field from my knowledge of my own present sensory states .
3 ‘ You 're suggesting that I go to him ? ’ she 'd hissed .
4 They 're suggesting that I have a permanent security guard on duty , day and night , apart from an alarm system that would be more suitable to the Bundesbank than a private house !
5 " How can you say that , how can you say that , " said Clelia , " by saying that you are condemning me , you 're criticizing me , you 're implying that I talk too much , God knows I do , but surely you could do better ?
6 Did you hear the remark about the swimsuit , I showed him Rebecca 's swimsuit , he said cor if you 're wearing that I think I 'll go swimming as well .
7 you 're , you 're , you 're saying that I 've got to do ?
8 ‘ It 's not because you 're loaded that I worry after you , ’ she shouted .
9 ‘ Now I 've been told that I 've lost my place and I 'm very disappointed . ’
10 You know , I 've been told that I do n't like women .
11 The people are very tolerant and it has been overheard that I speak better Portuguese than I do English .
12 Oh it 's co cos you 've been doing that I expect .
13 ‘ I am demonstrating that I want to stand up for Hong Kong 's interests .
14 Do n't know why I 'm singing that I do n't even like .
15 It 's cheered me up no end to be reminded that I do have work and a brain and something to do when I 'm allowed up again . ’
16 It will be seen that I have to arrive at figures in respect of damages in this case under a number of heads .
17 When I develop that thesis it will be seen that I agree with McDowell as to the intrinsic attractiveness or repulsiveness of value qualities .
18 Never let it be said that I visit empty-handed ! ’
19 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
20 And beaming proudly the 47-year-old superstar declared at London 's Heathrow airport : ‘ Never let it be said that I do n't carry the baby . ’
21 It will be noticed that I refer only to those cases where the patient , or someone on his behalf , has made his view known .
22 To ease my conscience I would like it to be recognised that I have five co-founders : Jock Lewes , Paddy Mayne of the original ‘ L ’ Detachment , George Bergé who started the French S.A.S. , Brian Franks who re-raised the S.A.S. flag after the war and John Woodhouse who created the modern S.A.S. during the Malaysian Campaign by restoring to the regiment its original philosophy .
23 It will probably be understood that I wish to make my remarks in the context of the Scottish agricultural scene .
24 Vulgar song , but I 'm demonstrating that I 've seen the light at last .
25 ‘ I 'm saying that I think you do n't care about the stupidities of convention .
26 ‘ I 'm saying that I think he could have done . ’
27 I 'm saying that I do n't know what local preference is , in terms of where it should go .
28 It wo n't be difficult then for me to let it be known that I do n't want you working here . ’
29 I was only there a few weeks and was so bored and anxious to be gone that I remember very little about the place .
30 For example , by the third sub-maxim of Manner ( " be brief " ) , wherever I avoid some simple expression in favour of some more complex paraphrase , it may be assumed that I do not do so wantonly , but because the details are somehow relevant to the present enterprise .
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