Example sentences of "be [verb] you [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 Painted on the walls of a barracks in the last century had been the words , ‘ Legionnaires , you are soldiers in order to die , and I am sending you where you can die . ’
2 ‘ I am treating you as you need to be treated , ’ Nicolo said sternly .
3 But if you go ahead with your threat I 'm warning you that you 'll be finished .
4 I know where you watched it , I 'm asking you when you watched it .
5 Aye , you did , but you see , there 's this girl in my house and she wo n't leave and I 'm asking you if you 'll come down and shift her .
6 I 'm carrying you because you need to get back into the warmth as fast as possible , and this is quicker than letting you walk by yourself . ’
7 If I were to ask you if you could come to dinner tonight and you replied ‘ Yes ’ or ‘ No ’ , my wife and I could plan accordingly .
8 And what I would quite like to do is to see you as you come to the end of the starter pack and I think the starter pack is Oh I ca n't remember how many days treatment is in it .
9 It is sometimes highlighted by using different coloured mats and its purpose is to alert you when you approach the mat boundary .
10 you 're not too sure what he wants , he 's agreed to see you next week , he does n't know why he 's seeing you but you go back and you present , so try and overcome rejection but the thing was he wants to in the first place .
11 You should n't be reading until Doctor 's seen you and you need company to take you out of yourself .
12 Like the theme bars , this is to reassure you that you are indeed in England or Spain , without you having to go out to verify it .
13 Three indicates so it 's asking you that you choose .
14 You should be listening carefully to what your body is telling you and you should be judging your pace and duration so that you finish tired and refreshed , not exhausted .
15 ‘ The reason I have called you both here is to remind you that you are now second-year witches , and I do not expect this ridiculous feud between you two girls to continue .
16 ‘ We 've been following you since you left your hotel yesterday , ’ Ryker told her .
17 ‘ What I should have done , ’ he said smoothly , as he pressed the glass into her hand , ‘ was tell you that you would not be returning to Milano at all . ’
18 Someone , perhaps , who was tailing you while you tailed Latowa , and saw the explosion , and is out for revenge .
19 Tell me when , when we when we s started our discussion of the planning the future document I did say that er there was one or two things you could do for me and er one of those of course was to ask you if you could , during the course of our discussion , if any names came to , to mind , anybody who you would find that you could er you could recommend me to or can refer to me to if in fact you found our discussions were of benefit
20 As all the therapies mentioned above are holistic in nature , you may be delightfully surprised to find that not only do you recover from whatever was ailing you but you also improve your general level of health and well-being .
21 I was telling you but you never listen .
22 Who was tickling you when you were on the phone ?
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