Example sentences of "be [verb] [pron] for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I bet they 're thanking them for getting two hundred and fifty nicker
2 You 're paying him for knowing how to do it .
3 They said , ‘ We 're arresting you for loitering with the intent of prostitution . ’
4 Fibre-optic broadcaster WilTel Corp will be using it for transmitting television programmes as will Vyvx Inc , which also provides videoconferencing , production and editing facilities to over 65 US cities .
5 I 'm reporting you for idling your time for two minutes .
6 City will be kicking themselves for allowing Cranfield to get back into the game , but the visitors must be given credit for a spirited second half performance .
7 He would not have reckoned on their single liaison having such an outcome , and he would be blaming her for failing to have taken precautions .
8 Some people back there would be cursing us for raising so much dust .
9 You will not be flirting at the kitchen door with the milkman and the coalman , and Matey will not be chasing you for doing so . ’
10 That more likely is that you realised well nigh immediately that it was Mr , that 's why you said to Mr I 'm arresting you for harbouring an escapee .
11 It 's as if I 'm repaying him for looking after me at school .
12 Seventhly , if the German states were to express themselves for initiating movement toward German unity , would they be ready to take into consideration the interests of other European states and to seek , on a mutually acceptable collective basis , answers to all questions and problems that might arise in that regard ?
13 They were concerned least the Shah should think that they were rebuking him for comparing him unfavourably with them of steel .
14 MIPS is preening itself for getting the R4400 upgrade out in the timeframe it predicted it would a year ago .
15 So it 's cost me , it 's cost me for ordering the bloody thing
16 I had the uncanny feeling that the ghost of Sigmund Freud was chiding me for thinking this and she was clearly incensed that I could suggest that her father could have had any interest in religion whatsoever .
17 When it disappeared from the catalogue and by chance I was offered a knighthood , I always said that the Queen , coming as she does from an angling family , was compensating me for having had my name taken out of Hardy 's catalogue .
18 I was keeping it for cleaning the car .
19 She was kicking herself for forgetting the most basic Capricorn trait of allowing nothing to stand in the way of their goal .
20 A few seconds later I was despising myself for having been in any doubt .
21 Can you not see what erm er this woman fainted into my arms and she was embracing me for letting her not take her fall .
22 The son who was born in 1511 , lived only six weeks and there followed a succession of miscarriages and still-births , so Henry VIII convinced himself that God was punishing him for marrying his late brother 's widow , so he sought the Popes annulment of the marriage .
23 She slept badly , with what sleep she did get punctuated with dreams where Barney was driving away in her car , and where Cara was blaming her for letting him take it .
24 The examination under anaesthesia without consent is inexplicable ( unless it was to punish her for having refused examination when conscious ) .
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