Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] them [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A 'sham " has been defined by Diplock LJ ( as he then was ) in Snook v London and West Riding Investments Ltd [ 1967 ] 2 QB 786 ( at p802 ) to include : [ A ] cts done or documents executed by the parties to the " sham " which are intended by them to give to third parties or to the court the appearance of creating between the parties legal rights and obligations different from the actual legal rights and obligations ( if any ) which the parties intend to create .
2 Well , er the C B I and other bodies are pressing for them to come down at once , er John Major has said it 's only a question of time .
3 Economic questions about ageing are seen by them to have an explicitly political dimension because the state , being the major determinant of the economic status of the elderly population , is regarded as capable ( and culpable ) of creating a new sort of deliberately structured dependency among old people .
4 For example , the psychological dilemmas of women 's two roles discussed in the late 1950s by Myrdal and Klein are said by them to affect only the minority of educated middle-class women .
5 The police have sor , have got a copy of our emergency evacuation procedures , at the moment we 're waiting for them to return it to us .
6 ‘ It seems as if John had been waiting for them to leave .
7 No , I 've been waiting for them to get them cards in I ordered a couple of those cards with the lights at the top for Kieran to take home
8 Rats in cages have been injected with it and now the scientists are waiting for them to get ill so they can try and cure them .
9 Critics are calling on them to throw out the idea .
10 Apart from the health risk , it would have been disturbing for them to see the damage .
11 Apart from the health risk , it would have been disturbing for them to see the damage .
12 And er it had been known for them to split .
13 It had never been known for them to stay less than three hours — not that Mum minded .
14 After they had proved their trustworthiness , permission would be given for them to live in couples in a pension .
15 Where speed restraint measures are built , the cycle lane can be carried outside them to ensure that bikes are not slowed in the same way as cars ( Figure 6.26 ) .
16 She was clearly mentally disturbed , and the reason that I got in touch with the legal project was to see if there 's anything that could be done by them to start giving her some way of getting in touch , getting to solve her problem .
17 As we have seen , horses have basic physiological and psychological needs which must be met for them to remain in good health both physically and emotionally .
18 I 'm waiting for them to answer .
19 ‘ I 've put through a call to London and I 'm waiting for them to ring me up .
20 They have also requested in their wills that Lizzie 's ashes be buried with them to ensure that , one day , they will all be together again .
21 Since international trade law is largely dispositive and is designed primarily to facilitate international transactions between business enterprises it is only sensible to try out proposals on those who will be affected by them to see whether they will really work .
22 A variety of finger food can be introduced for them to suck and usually they start to chew on ones that they prefer during the second half of the first year .
23 The University will expect the students to take more responsibility for their own learning experiences , and more opportunities will be provided for them to develop personal skills like independence and initiative , leadership , flexibility and team work , communication skills and so on ; in short , the qualities which will help people to succeed in a wide variety of jobs after graduation .
24 I wonder if the , the director plans to talk about the cri criteria we will work towards with the independent erm living fund and I wonder if we could possibly accommodate something within the criteria because I think the number of people involved needing adaptation to their home over about five thousand is fairly small but for those people it will make the difference between them being able to remain in their own home or within the community care package , a vast sum of money being needed to be spent on them to accommodate them within residential accommodation .
25 Soon the Commandant would come through the gates and into the compound and the orders would be shouted for them to form their ranks for roll-call and check before the march to the Factory for work .
26 A few developed a liking for the racecourse and as it had been drummed into them to dress correctly for every occasion , somehow they managed to provide themselves with the obligatory long trailing gowns by lending each other clothes and accessories ; they appreciated the elegance of their suave escorts in tail coats and top hats .
27 Nor did the Teleuts hand over hostages to the Russians , despite pressure being placed on them to do so .
28 They were in a minority but were expected between them to meet the sexual needs of the men .
29 Many of the royal forests were granted to them to hold in fee .
30 Oh yes , it was , is it that , that was why we were looking for them to pick them out ?
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