Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv prt] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Toleration as wide-ranging as this would not have been acceptable in England , where hostility to Roman Catholicism had been building up for seventy years since Mary Tudor 's attempt to wipe out Protestantism .
2 It 's been building up for some time , I think . ’
3 Len Daniels had been given up for dead by his wife .
4 It then assumes a parliamentary intention that the steps which Parliament has enjoined or authorized for saving or minimizing tax shall not be effective if they are carried out for that purpose but are only to be effective if carried out for some other ‘ legitimate ’ business purpose .
5 Cultivations are carried out for three reasons : to improve the soil crumb structure and so create an ideal seed-bed for the crop ; to uproot and kill weeds ; and to bury turf or crop residues where they will rot down and not compete with the ensuing crop .
6 MARKETS in the Far East and Middle East are opening up for hi-tech heat-beating textile produced by Performance Fabrics .
7 She 's only done half the course and already she has been picked out for this job .
8 CYCLING organisations in Wales are gearing up for National Bike Week , which begins on Saturday .
9 Today , more than 100 million Europeans are gearing up for this winter 's invasion of the ski-slopes .
10 However , since we are keyed up for decisive physical action this is still the best way of working it off .
11 ‘ Got to observe strict ARP , you see , Miss , though here we are gettin' on for five months of war and not a peep out of a Jerry plane .
12 When he 'd been banging on for several minutes about immigration , infiltration , dilution of the great Anglo-Saxon race and a lot more of the same , I seized the opportunity , rather neatly I thought , to observe that indeed things had come to a pretty pass when the name Patel was as common as Smith in England .
13 Also , £192,000-worth of preference dividends have also been rolled up for future payment .
14 At the time of Leathart 's survey , Taylor 's Level had been carried on for some 210 fathoms , and was then about 35 fathoms short of being below the deepening sump in the floor of Fleming 's .
15 Similar studies have been carried out for other countries , although the methods vary , reflecting the differences in availability of data and in fiscal systems .
16 Pilot tests have been carried out for much of this year with both the Choice loans package and direct access , but TSB Direct was formally established on November 1 .
17 This policy has been carried out for some time by the OECD countries , Todorovic claimed , except that there the figure is between 4 and 6 per cent .
18 Had the recession been staved off for longer , support for the Scottish Nationalists — now at 31 p.c. in the polls and only seven points behind Labour — might not have been as strong .
19 Mat. 's door , in my own mind I had been slung out for encouraging unseemly behaviour from a male patient and was miserably working on the choice of my next career .
20 All the frustration and anger that had been bottled up for 16 years were suddenly out .
21 Swindon have to fight on in the promotion race … while Oxford have to battle on in the relegation scramble … but things are looking up for United … they 're off the bottom of the table for the first time since November thanks to a win at Brighton
22 This applies also to the British Council , our arm of cultural diplomacy , which is facing unprecedented demands from the newly liberated countries which are looking out for English language teachers .
23 Secondly , you are looking out for minor defects which will cost you time and money — plumbing , heating redecoration , bathroom and kitchen fittings , replacement windows , floor finishes , insulation etc .
24 The concept of the provings : the way in which the drug pictures are built up for each remedy .
25 Vast areas of Rum have been fenced off for century-long experiment to re-create the natural woodland environment .
26 The double bed had been made up for two and there were two pyjama cases — relics of a past time — one embroidered with the letter ‘ I ’ , the other with an ‘ A ’ .
27 Searle was not the only person at this time to conclude that since the Lefevre Gallery had told Minton ‘ Moons are out ’ , he had been searching round for new solutions which visits abroad solved only temporarily .
28 Although this has been argued over for fifty years , the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible .
29 Mrs Nicolson had n't been seen out for four months now .
30 In front gardens , lawns are paved over for off-street parking space and in the road more intrusion results from signs , barriers and other traffic-related street furniture .
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