Example sentences of "be [verb] [is] that the " in BNC.

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1 I have been talking about experiences which affect both men and women ; what I am suggesting is that the role of the Weaving Mother is to spin a thread , a bond , from the ‘ raw material ’ proffered by the male .
2 All I am suggesting is that the balancing exercise should be capable of being performed .
3 The only prediction which it could be claimed has been validated is that the rate of profit would fall .
4 When it comes down to it , all you 're saying is that the likes of Tina Turner and Mick Hucknall have created a bloated travesty of soul .
5 okay , so the , there , what you 're saying is that the , the rural wage is a sub a subsistence wage , which is im by definition , sort the minimum wage you require to live on and er , there are possibilities of much higher incomes else elsewhere , so the , the subsistence wage itself may well act as quite er , strong sort of push factor out of the rural areas , let alone erm , high wages in er , er , the urban areas .
6 Could well be negated because all we 're saying is that the counter argument to it is we 're simply conforming with the structure plan .
7 I mean why , er with this surplus they 've gathered , I mean what you 're saying is that the rich peasant economy effectively are better investors
8 What we 're finding is that the discoveries in interstellar space are making us try new experiments and erm try and reproduce these conditions , perhaps in the laboratory , and then go on to discover new molecules in space and understand the processes that give rise to the molecules .
9 are , are the same but I see the point that you 're making is that the workload is n't just the initial action plan .
10 One aide let into the secret of the wedding plans said : ‘ All we have been told is that the question was asked on board her new boat .
11 One rationale for asserting that individuals are bound is that the treaty becomes incorporated into municipal law by ratification , and therefore creates rights and duties for individuals within the jurisdiction .
12 What has happened because this problem has been recognised is that the police are having to go down there on a regular basis and actually stop people doing this stupid manoeuvre .
13 But what I am saying is that the that the side
14 ‘ What we are saying is that the ITC will put up the name .
15 I 've said to my brother Roman Catholic if what you are saying is that the substance of the godhead is in a mystery transferred into our substance that is to say that we are recipitents recipients in the sacrament of the divine life then we go out in faith together believing the same essential .
16 What the three thousand four hundred are saying is that the County Council and British Coal do not know where they 're going with this thing , the full implications of it have either not been properly assessed or indeed not been released to the to the local communities .
17 Erm I think I think what I 'm suggesting is that the that the the panel should should er advise the County Council as to how they should address the phasing issue .
18 The fundamental issue behind the arguments that will be heard is that the nuns are not permitted to see the results of the Ministry of Agriculture tests confirming the presence of infection .
19 Mr Penna told the inquest : ‘ A fact which obviously must be considered is that the deceased by any standards had consumed quite a lot of alcohol . ’
20 One problem that remains to be resolved is that the high reflectivity of the glass over many of the paintings , especially in rooms that have lighting from side windows , makes it difficult to view the works .
21 What must never be forgotten is that the meaning of the word ‘ god ’ shall be such that its definition can be accepted by all the leading and reasonable people of all races , taught to all children , and be so firmly entrenched within the powers of reason and logic that it becomes inviolable .
22 The final point to be made is that the local researcher should trust his instinct , and if something ‘ feels ’ wrong it may well actually be wrong , and with diligence can be so proved .
23 The final point to be made is that the whole reading experience takes place within a particular cultural setting , and this will affect reception .
24 Perhaps the first point that needs to be made is that the relationship between use and learning differs in respect to first and second language situations .
25 One preliminary point that may still need to be made is that the switches between the two media are not arbitrary , but motivated according to a series of conventions practised by other Elizabethan dramatists .
26 A further point which might be made is that the concise , fluent format of the interviewer 's questions is very unlike the format of normal conversation , where false starts , hesitations and ambiguities are the norm ( Schegloff 1979 ) .
27 What can be seen is that the attempt to correlate black youth and crime is a latent but definite element in the law and order debate .
28 What could be said is that the same moral demands apply to the means as to the ends in the quest for Truth , and that often difficulties arise because of these demands .
29 What might be said is that the ethical connotation of the method of action he proposed was being made clear by the choice of satyāgraha rather than sadāgraha .
30 The first thing to be said is that the ‘ circumstantial variables ’ of a president 's incumbency may give him important advantages .
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