Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 Final output targets are determined at the outset and input requirements are calculated precisely for each stage of manufacturing , including those bought from outside subcontractors .
2 They are competing vigorously with each other to be last .
3 At this point , the aquarium builder should check all panels so far erected , are aligned squarely with each other .
4 Press panel 4 against the silicone on the base , and the siliconed edges of panels 1 and 3 , again ensuring that all panels are aligned squarely with each other and pressed evenly and firmly together .
5 All adjoining panels should be pressed evenly together ensuring all the panels are aligned squarely to each other .
6 They are arranged chronologically with each year 's section beginning with relevant Department of the Environment Circulars .
7 These secondary substances would not ( not at first , anyway ) have had their own lineages of ancestry and descent , but would have been manufactured anew by each generation of primary replicators .
8 Thus , results are presented independently for each probe .
9 Starting at the top , resources are used effectively on each in turn .
10 Both the input required setting , and the sensor , are sampled once for each cycle .
11 In the two figures on the right in particular the earlier striations and hatchings have given way to more discreetly and subtly modelled planes delineating the component parts of the trunks and limbs of the figures ; these planes are angled away from each other along clearly defined ridges in some passages , but softly opened up into each other in others .
12 First , because the source and observer are moving away from each other the doppler effect causes an increase in wavelength .
13 Twelve Fridays are set aside in each session for the passage of such bills although the Government can give extra time to measures it supports to ensure success .
14 Just at the time when they should have been giving most to each other , he had turned away from her , and in its way that had been almost as painful as the loss of her mother .
15 Clark ( 1973 ) assumed that , given the arrival of information , the values of the consequential price change and volume of trading are distributed independently from each other , and that each variable is independently and identically distributed over a series of information arrivals .
16 The rate support grant was replaced by a block grant to be calculated separately for each authority , so a council which displeases the government , by failing to keep local expenditure within a limit determined at the centre , can be penalized by a reduction in grant .
17 The maximum speed attainable with each switching angle is simply the stepping rate at which the appropriate characteristic intersects the " load torque " line : The velocity profile during acceleration can be calculated Precisely for each switching angle using the graphical method described in Section 6.3 .
18 Compatibility : They are not particularly aggressive corals , and so can be placed close to each other and to other non-aggressive coelenterates such as zoanthids , Xenia pulse corals , bushy soft corals ( Simularia ) and gorgonians .
19 Thus , language and literature , medicine and physiology , and botany and agriculture could conveniently be placed close to each other .
20 However , at the financial year end all the invoices that had been received but had not been paid would be collected together for each department say , and a total entry would be put through the books accruing all the payments due to be made .
21 Body can be divided into parts which can be moved away from each other ; space can not .
22 The text has a certain givenness ; it may be interpreted anew in each age .
23 The amount of goodwill recognised on acquisitions during the year should be shown separately for each acquisition where material .
24 Amounts falling due after more than one year should be shown separately for each item included under debtors .
25 Amounts falling due after more than one year should be shown separately for each item included under debtors .
26 A report will be produced daily for each unit of work , detailing those entries in the Working-Set on which work is in progress or which require attention .
27 The Test Case Report will be produced fortnightly for each major sub-system under system test .
28 Furthermore , the amount of dissolution/alteration must be assessed separately for each formation studied .
29 Alternatively , they can be moving away from each other , with gravity slowing down the velocity of the recession .
30 The trouble was , as I and several other people pointed out , the universe was expanding so fast that even if the bubbles grew at the speed of light , they would be moving away from each other and so could not join up .
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