Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain , on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear .
2 In addition , we had a 1989 Bottlang to give us the location of the Visual Reporting Points which are used extensively all over the Continent .
3 He told the Echo today : ‘ I 've been doing really well over the last month , playing probably the best football of my life .
4 He told the Echo today : ‘ I 've been doing really well over the last month , playing probably the best football of my life .
5 She had slept badly and the flesh seemed to be drawn too tightly over the bones of her face .
6 He 's sticking his neck out , with a prediction that the snow ploughs and gritting lorries wo n't be needed too often over the next few months .
7 He must be doing very well over here .
8 When in the position shown in Fig 75 , the rig must be thrown vigorously back over your head .
9 I would assume that the marketing costs could be spread fairly evenly over the full five-year period .
10 Holy shrines and elaborately carved Moghul palaces are spread thickly all over the land , from India 's largest mosque , the Jama Masjid , in Delhi , to the splendour of the Palace of the Wind in Jaipur and the greatest , most massive mausoleum of all , the Taj Mahal near Agra .
11 If a block of Pycoma were lit simultaneously all over the top surface , say by a fast-running sheet-fuse , the combustion zone would travel slowly down through the block .
12 There was a strong babble of concerned voices , a thicket of hands reaching out to steady him , but Li Shai Tung was conscious only of the way his skin stung as if it were stretched too tightly over his bones — how his eyes smarted as if hot water had been thrown into them .
13 Cooke 's anger came when Australian referee Brian Kinsey awarded the All Blacks a match-winning penalty against Dean Richards in the dying seconds of a gruelling encounter , and he said : ‘ The tackled-ball situation is being refereed very badly over here . ’
14 ‘ I feel local justice has been dispensed very successfully over the centuries but we are now increasingly facing the prospect , due entirely in my view to financial pressures , of seeing the closure of many local courts and everything being centralised elsewhere .
15 One of the most ideal representatives of the Chaetodonite family for the beginner 's aquarium , and one that has been kept successfully all over the world , is the Threadfin Butterfly ( Chaetodon auriga ) .
16 It is " recursive " because the same rule ( in this case a branching rule ) is applied locally all over the growing tree .
17 The cleft stick plight which is his current political position is displayed most vividly over Mr Heseltine 's coal mine dilemma .
18 His sandy hair is brushed straight back over his head , but then turns up a little at the ends , echoing the collar .
19 Since 1964 , when I first worked ( and lived ) in the region , what I have been seeing in babies and young children is starvation : a host of children of one and two years who can not sit up unaided , who do not or can not speak , whose skin is stretched so tightly over the chest and stomach that every curve of the breastbone and ribs stands out .
20 One of the problems is that the rider , perched up there , is sitting almost directly over the centre of gravity of the thing , and there is little room to manoeuvre .
21 Could it be that our assumption that matter and energy are returned to the Universe in discrete regions is wrong , that in fact they are returned piecemeal all over the Universe ?
22 Well she phoned and umm asked how Oliver was and everything and just said oh how are you and I said oh I 've not been feeling very well over the weekend .
23 In a recent letter to an amateur gill-netter in New Zealand , Gaskin said : ‘ Animals like Hector 's dolphin , with a very low reproductive rate , are disappearing steadily all over the world ...
24 Jenny 's hair was blowing wildly all over her face , evading all the effort of her hand to restrain it .
25 Cloud was advancing steadily again over the moon 's face , and its shadow rolled across the mitred stones of the abbots , and covered the dark inward movement of the men who had followed him up from the water .
26 ( This independence was illustrated most vividly over the publication of a survey of spending on education .
27 Miss Honey was leaning far forward over her work-table and gazing in wonder at the child .
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