Example sentences of "be [verb] [adj] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But you are looking well this morning .
2 The chief State official responsible for works of art in Venice , Soprintendente Nepi Scire and the architect in charge of the Doge 's Palace , Mario Piana , have declared that no State funding has been made available this year for restoring Europe 's loveliest and most fragile city .
3 A report recommending improvements to elderly people 's homes in Oxfordshire has been made public this morning .
4 ‘ Hello , mam , you 're looking perky this evening . ’
5 SIXTEEN Newtownabbey schoolchildren are going Dutch this week as part of a scheme to boost cross-community understanding between kids in two of the most deprived parts of the borough .
6 Although the project is due to run for another year , the county council 's planning department hope information will be made available this summer .
7 It 's a dream come true for little Kara Bowman from Toomebridge who beat 250 other hopefuls for the lead in a BBC drama to be screened UK-wide this summer .
8 He had already drafted two acts at the beginning of the previous year , and even before he had been taken ill this autumn he had begun the work of revising them .
9 The staff at the hospital were keeping silent this week .
10 ‘ Who 's feeling grand this morning ?
11 ‘ I put my washing to soak in my dolly tub and it was frozen solid this morning — in my back kitchen !
12 I was still doubtful , but Suzy said she thought the work I was doing fitted this description perfectly and encouraged me to apply .
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