Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] those [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The extra money earned from attending court on a day off can be attractive , but it is more often the case that reminders about the approaching end of the shift are given to those constables who suggest work which involves ‘ going over ’ .
2 Frodo indeed laughs himself : ‘ Such a sound had not been heard in those places since Sauron came to Middle-earth .
3 I have received no request for a statement , but the hon. Gentleman 's point of order will have been heard by those Ministers with responsibility for such matters .
4 ‘ To find the correct homeopathic remedy for any condition , the symptoms are diagnosed in those terms , and the Materia Medica places them under those headings : location , sensation etc . ’
5 The sentiments among the majority of Northern lay presbyterians are biased towards those elements in the Westminster Confessional which are antagonistic to Roman catholic practice and belief : the evils of the papacy and priesthood and the suppression of Christian liberty , the evils of the mass and devotions to the saints , all of which combine to turn Christians to superstition and idolatry and away from almighty God and true salvation in Christ .
6 Scotvec Modules have been developed for those pupils who have a pass at General level and not wish to do Higher .
7 It is not concerned with the question whether proper weight has been given to those factors .
8 The Department of the Environment , announcing the allocations , said priority had been given to those sites which were most badly contaminated .
9 We have been referred to those authorities .
10 Jimmy had been shaken by those sounds , more shaken than the others , for good reason , but Cardiff could see that he was unprepared to show it as he pushed himself away from the reception counter .
11 So erm can you tell us what proportion of the work erm had been completed before prices were fixed erm for those packages that have been an and also what proportion of the work has been completed on those packages yet to be priced .
12 He drew up a map of Scotland based on where the men lived and found the excess of cases in children from rural areas who had been exposed to those men .
13 Britain and the United States are included among those countries in which the political culture emphasizes the virtues of compromise and conciliation , without threatening personal integrity .
14 Heavy lift and enhanced intelligence capability are two very specific matters that have been considered in those forums .
15 Women are confined to those sectors of the job market which pay the least , no matter whether or not they are skilled .
16 Given that urban districts may be subject to geographically uneven patterns of investment and disinvestment , the question arises as to whether urban redevelopment funds are targeted to those neighbourhoods most lacking in capital or those where private revitalisation is already well established .
17 Claims have been made about Taiwan and South Korea , but tremendous amounts of US aid have been pumped into those countries for political purposes .
18 Saying that they were playing very deep , but Im sure Wallace would have been looking for those balls and giving the player in posession that option .
19 … I am moved by those cadences I find in Ivy .
20 In general , we have been writing about those melodies which are complete and have a well-defined entirety .
21 ‘ So you are writing about those things , ’ another Israeli said as he stood in a narrow , shaded lane .
22 Contrasts are revealed by those elements achieving no matchings .
23 1.11 Knowledge about language and the cross-curricular themes specifically referred to us are incorporated in those attainments targets and programmes of study where they fit most naturally .
24 The Quality Framework described in this Update has been shaped by those responses .
25 Rather we are looking at those beliefs , supported by significant power bases within each bloc , which have won out in the political process in the past seventy years and still appear to be doing so , in some cases with much decreased vitality .
26 Further privileges are granted to those lexicographers identified in the group table as leading the group .
27 most of the changes that have been made to those houses have been er erm at the request of Newton Sherwood District Council , they the the they lifted the room pitch , we had a lower one , they wanted a higher one , erm , and you know , erm , all all basically erm the the although they counted it as a change since application
28 This method of examining the data has not been employed in the previous studies because no attempt had been made in those studies to be representative in the sampling of direction of turn at each junction ( see Table 4.2 ) .
29 A major requirement of a religion then , must be that , above all , it shall be capable of a simplified , but undistorted interpretation capable of being taught to the very young in such a way that it will instil in them the stirrings of what will become their consciences , that is , they will harbour a subconscious awareness of the fundamental nature of right and wrong as these are applied to those areas of human aspirations where they are beyond dispute .
30 Apologies are made to those branches of the sport not covered , Formula Ford , Hill Climbing , and so on .
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