Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] be so " in BNC.

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1 Even though the gap between clerical and lay religious intellectuals has closed , with clergy being left behind in some areas , the clerics remain the true cognoscenti in religious matters , and are expected to be so by the laity .
2 Sheriff Brian Lockhart , who is presiding over the fatal accident inquiry , asked whether the Newton plans , referred to throughout five weeks of the inquiry so far as ‘ single lead ’ had not been considered to be so at the time .
3 To ensure that all issues presented to the court are considered as fairly and expeditiously as possible and are seen to be so .
4 The poignancy of the situation is increased because love and longing themselves are felt to be so close to aggression .
5 But I do n't like the way you 're pretending to be so fond of me , ’ she told him , her hazel eyes flashing and her arms akimbo , ‘ and I do n't like the way we 're deceiving your mother . ’
6 He thought : You 're going to be so sorry you ever said that , you ridiculous fop , you silly tart , you piece of shit .
7 ‘ If you 're determined to be so pigheadedly stubborn and blind to the truth , so be it . ’
8 The trick will be to distil these desirable attributes from the new arrangements and to discard the harmful elements ; once they have been shown to be so .
9 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
10 Once the post-revolutionary fervour had simmered down and the revolutionaries had become convinced of their victory over Keynesianism , questions started to be asked as to why , from 1936 onwards , so many of their august mentors , some of whom had won Nobel Prizes , had subscribed to a point of view which had been shown to be so palpably erroneous .
11 You ca n't make chemistry happen , you ca n't say : ‘ You and you are going to be so and so . ’
12 ‘ Look , you never expect that those films are going to be so bad .
13 Ah you are going to be so arsed , it 's going to be so funny .
14 Non-flying mammals have for some time been suspected to be pollinators in a number of vegetation types outside the tropics and , in recent years , this has been proved to be so in both South Africa and Australia .
15 A further 7 per cent ( 31 ) of ulcers occurred above the gaiter area ; trauma may be responsible for some of these , particularly those on the anterior aspect , but the aetiological pattern of ulcers occurring in this region have been found to be so varied that positive aetiological indicators can not be identified from the ulcer site alone .
16 As we saw in the chapter dealing with rules , it is not enough for your punch to be an effective scoring technique ; it must be seen to be so , and this entails making its success obvious .
17 But they could be seen to be so " from below " as well as " from above " .
18 Ruether 's , if she is not saying in any sense of Christ that he is unique , surely can not be said to be so .
19 Nuclear weapons can not escape from the kinds of restraints built up carefully in the laws-of-war tradition over the centuries , but there is a risk that they may be thought to be so escaping ( especially in view of the UK and US reservations to 1977 Geneva Protocol I ) unless positive action in this direction is taken , The comparative neglect of the whole subject of laws-of-war restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons has endured for forty years , for reasons which can be understood if not approved .
20 He therefore sought to prove both that the structures of history were necessarily dialectical and that the course of actual history could be shown to be so .
21 That will be proved to be so because of the dogged , persistent and brilliant negotiating work by the Prime Minister , the Foreign Secretary and his two Ministers of State , especially my good friend the Member for Watford ( Mr. Garel-Jones ) .
22 It will not have to be either critical or challenging , although elsewhere in the world , among less fortunate nations , it may be found to be so .
23 This ‘ may be known to be so by any man 's experience , that will but examine his own mind ’ .
24 I venture to think that both the dictum and the decision are wrong , and that , as soon as they come under review by the Court of Appeal , will be declared to be so .
25 Most industrialised governments are believed to be so alarmed by new reports demonstrating the rapid destruction of the ozone layer that they will almost certainly approve a new target of 1996 .
26 It will be the main task of Part Four of the book to explore the rationality of perfectionist moral pluralism , i.e. of pluralism of many forms of the good which are admitted to be so many valuable expressions of people 's nature , but pluralism which allows that certain conceptions of the good are worthless and demeaning , and that political action may and should be taken to eradicate or at least curtail them .
27 Cos the middles are meant to be so brilliant .
28 Some expressly did not want their money to go for weapons ; others were said to be so thrilled that they wanted their names on the missiles .
29 In 1654 , only a year after Cromwell had taken the title of Lord Protector of the Commonwealth , the School was the stage for the preaching of the independent divine , Samuel Eaton , a remarkable orator , whose speeches against the Book of Common Prayer were said to be so powerful that his listeners would refuse to go to Church .
30 In 1792 wages in Sheffield were said to be so high generally as to allow the leisure-preferring cutlers to live comfortably from working only three days a week .
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