Example sentences of "be [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We are minutes away from the beach , Palace Pier , The Royal Pavilion , Conference Centre , Marina , coach and rail stations , town centre and the Lanes .
2 There are parallels here with the beginnings of search in the USA , but in Britain the concept of headhunting , as indeed with other features of modern business practice , was pushed , not pulled .
3 Nor has there been experience yet of the voluminous records for individual children when the same approach is extended from science through maths , English , technology , geography , history and modern languages .
4 This means that , effectively , there are clinics only in the larger cities .
5 What is less widely known is that at this moment two P-38 Lightnings , ( distinctive , long-range US fighters ) appeared , their star insignia clearly visible , and although it may have been coincidence even to the sophisticated in a crowd of some hundreds of thousands it must indeed have appeared that the mandate of heaven had assumed its newest form .
6 Ewan Rice , corporate services director for the Woolwich Building Society believes that there are openings there for the taking .
7 From here there are views across to the Malvern Hills and Bredon Hill .
8 The way in which each child adapts to defective vision will be individual , and there are considerations both in the causes of defective sight and the effects of these on the way that children can use their vision .
9 We are designers simply in the way we write our name on a piece of paper .
10 No but I think it will focus on why there are anomalies still between the offices , erm
11 With the signing late last year of Monotype , Compugraphic and AM Varityper together with the more recent additions of Scangraphic and Autologic there is little if any cause for complaint to be made .
12 There 've been demands today for the names of alleged rape victims to be published if the accused is acquitted .
13 The first one was community and I know , erm that Catherine was n't very happy about the community side of things and I 've looked at the the pamphlet things and it needs updating a little bit so I took the fact that the Royal Quay 's were down at our doorstep and contacted Linda who was extremely helpful and she 's put together erm , a package of things along with me , I went down last week and the first week the ninth is going to be explaining to the classes what we 're going to be doing , each form teacher will be able to do that and the sixteen and the twenty third there are visits down to the Royal Quay 's Education Centre erm for which
14 They were a little anxious about the flight over the Timor Sea as their compass had been 10° awry on the outward journey though it was correct at Melbourne .
15 I 'm not sure that there are sites here in the uk .
16 There are sites all over the world designing pieces of software and bits of hardware to add-to , join with and go into PC 's .
17 Since he was claimed for £18,000 , this gelding , formerly owned by the Queen , has won twice and been second twice on the flat when trained by Roland O'Sullivan .
18 ‘ There have been eagles there since the far-off days when only the sound of the sea and the call of the curlew broke the peace , before men walked the earth .
19 They 've been told they can only get they 're money back from the sale of assets , when the comnpany goes into receivership at the end of April .
20 Now there are cracks all over the house — the result , the Maskells say , of slippage caused by foundations being dug for a block of flats next door .
21 And there are places all over the City .
22 Are rescues ever worth the effort ?
23 There had been rain earlier in the week and the soil under the thick vegetation was still damp .
24 'We are years ahead of the competition . ’
25 There are stirrings over in the lesser black-backed colony , the lighthouse monotonously flashes its warning signals , Pauline 's hot soup awaits you back at base — and you all agree : there is nothing quite like shear water ringing .
26 Now when you go through most of the things that you will see you can touch , but there are things up on the shelves at the sides and we put them there for special reasons , usually cos they 're very heavy or cos they might break easily .
27 How are things down in the bowels of the archive ? ’
28 Underlying the 1944 Report are assumptions both about the moral advantages of boarding and about the centrality of the grammar school and its curriculum .
29 He told me , rather as a guide to the city might have recounted it , that before the war there had been flop-houses just to the right of where we were sitting .
30 There had been people out in the desert .
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