Example sentences of "be [noun] [prep] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Here there are activities with which to occupy oneself in addition to the popular walking .
2 Now there are calls for him to resign .
3 And although Big Flame was never an ‘ entryist ’ party-within-a-party , like some of the Trotskyite groups , including Militant Tendency , everyone who had been part of it remained friends .
4 After several months of a total dearth of exhibitions in grander dealers ' galleries , there are signs of something approaching the usual seasonal increase .
5 She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America and there has been talk of her working on a new ITV soap called Routes .
6 In fact , there has been talk of it taking up to four years to give effect to this , during which time who knows how many young people will die , while the Home Office and the Home Secretary drag their feet ?
7 ‘ Since I left , there has been talk about my going back to Celtic , but that will never happen . ’
8 Venus will be in the area of love and relationships in January , June , July and November , so there are opportunities for you to find happiness and fulfilment this year .
9 They are lads like one comes across all the time in schools , workplaces and pubs .
10 There was none to be seen in this small guest room , but there 'd been shelves of them lining two walls in the sitting-room overlooking the Thames .
11 But it seems safe to say that there are circumstances in which litost and glasnost can be recognised as enemies , and that this enmity can be recognised in the novel Life is elsewhere .
12 Like in gold , they 're sort of I mean they 're not real gold , gold plated on the outside .
13 Yeah well I du n no I 'm dreading the Easter holidays cos I 've got like erm we 're probably gon na have about two hundred pieces of coursework to mark over Easter then there 's , and they 're sort of you know projecty things and things like that erm and then there 's first week next term there 's like all these second year social , which is well over a hundred of them plus about forty final year projects will come in , plus about I 'm hoping it 'll only be twenty things from Loughborough but it might be as many as , as fifty if the other person gives me all their marking er as they have , they 've given some indication that they will
14 Yeah , yeah , more immediately , but I mean when they 're sort of it has
15 And they 're nieces from they says , Uncle Tom we hear that you 're going er er back to Northern Ire or to Ireland .
16 She said it was br it was , I did n't think it was but it wa it was really good fun and also I was going out with Carl at the time and so , you know , in our big like little group big little group , our big group , that was a bit of a erm contradiction , erm in our big group and erm we knew masses of people and there were lots of there and there were lots of Felixstowe people there and it was just a really good laugh and erm Right Said Fred were there and some other sort of ravey group , ca n't remember what now and then , no some techno group , and then erm so we all thought oh let's go for this , let's go , la this time last year we thought oh well let's go over to this one for a joke , you know , for old time 's sake let's just go along and have a joke and we went and it was full of erm like they were all about fourteen , I suppose when we went we were all fourteen too but last year well most of my friends are sort of you know sixteen erm we went and it was n't , it was n't , it was n't full at all and the place is huge and it says , it says on the thing , you know , two thousand people go and there must have been about four hundred at the most and it was really , and I , also I ha I was ill that day and it was really shit so if they said it was brilliant last year it probably was n't the stockings because it was , nobody I met said it was , and also yeah the stockings and the feathers were put on the same day and there 's competition between the two companies does stocking and I 've forgotten what feathers is , there 's competition and so lots of people went to the feathers instead and the feathers had like too many people and the stockings had too lit too few .
17 Erm what we get for the money , and erm where there are possibilities for us to consider reducing that overhead .
18 And there are pages of them to learn .
19 so seen are things beyond us to construe
20 There are stories about him turning up at parties with various bimbos on his arm — you know the kind of thing .
21 Supposedly I , I think there are problems with it working .
22 On the one hand , ethnic minorities currently settled in Britain have been here for a relatively short period of time , and it seems that circumstances of migration and initial settlement are conditions under which support between siblings assumes greater significance than it might otherwise do — a point illustrated by the patterns of chain migration and of joint households which I discussed earlier in this chapter .
23 Everywhere there are reminders of who lived there and of the troubles which afflict those left behind him .
24 There are ways for me to hide .
25 I know there are people around who think I 'm an OK teacher , so if I screw up occasionally that 's not going to sink my reputation .
26 And these are people like you say have got pride in finishing things off , you know there 's a lot of people within groups who do n't mind starting things off but do n't fancy finishing them .
27 Politicians , bankers , Fleet Street editors — all are grist to your kiss-and-tell mill .
28 And I think that 's that 's a wonderful experience to realize that er you can be part of you know cos surely finally working men and women through history have never without sticking together they 'd they 'd still be back you know in the in the dark ages as far you know .
29 Under LMS , schools should be able , within their limited resources , to take rational decisions about building works and maintenance — though there may be disputes over what constitutes wear and tear and what is structural work .
30 Although it is usual to model responsibilities in terms of a hierarchical tree there are bound to be overlaps between what appear to be different levels of the hierarchy .
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