Example sentences of "the fact that it does " in BNC.

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1 Our only means of escape is alcohol , and I keep off that pretty much ; but I ca n't say I blame chaps for getting drunk ( apart from the fact that it does n't do you any good ) , for few of them take any interest in books .
2 It is a beautiful and very moving story , marred only by the fact that it does not bear the remotest resemblance to what actually happens .
3 The fact that it does n't cause you immense emotional pain does n't mean you 're not committed to it .
4 Ignoring the fact that it does n't seem to have much harm to British Telecommunications Plc or to the UK , France 's Minister for Posts & Telecommunications , Emile Zuccarelli , says that privatising France Telecom would hurt the company , its users and the entire nation : he particularly worries about service in sparsely-populated areas , a problem that appears to have been satisfactorily solved by regulation in the UK market ; privatisation of France Telecom is anyway not on the agenda of Valery Giscard d'Estaing .
5 The fact that it does may underlie a great deal of the difficulty experienced by many beginning readers .
6 Here the two sentences are linked because they follow the grammatical pattern , definite article + proper noun + copula + complement , a link whose purely formal nature is revealed by the fact that it does not really survive translation into English , where the definite articles are not needed and an indefinite one is .
7 However , while the fact that it does lead to the possibility of new tests makes an hypothesis worthy of investigation , it will not rank as an improvement on the problematic theory it is designed to replace until it has survived at least some of those tests .
8 The strong correlation between characterization and prenominal position , and " occasion " use and postnominal position also falls naturally into place , as well as the fact that it does not amount to a complete correspondence .
9 We shall instead suggest ( 40 ) , where the fact that the arrowhead passes through the square bracket is intended to show that the minor property does not simply qualify the entity as a whole , but the fact that it does not reach as far as the round bracket shows that the adjective is not a sense-qualifier : ( 40 )
10 The nul curriculum exists by reason of the fact that it does not exist — it is what is conveyed by omission , avoidance , bypassing , as well as by ridiculing , criticizing , and putting-down .
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