Example sentences of "the house [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Do you recall the story of Jesus at the house of Simon the Pharisee ?
2 In the house of Simon the Pharisee ( Luke 7:36–50 )
3 In the House of Simon the Pharisee ( Luke 7:36–50 )
4 Jesus was invited to dinner at the house of Simon the Pharisee ( see also Luke 11:37 ; 14:1 ) .
5 The anointing takes place in the house of Simon the leper , which was in Bethany .
6 He smiled in the Youth Centre and in the house of Stringer the headmaster and in the house of Miss Wilkinson with her charrada .
7 ‘ My Lord , that is the house of Yesugai the mercer , ’ he said .
8 The House of Christ the Saviour was situated in the better-class district of Benton Fields .
9 Everything that happened to Millie during that first week in the House of Christ the Saviour she objected to .
10 It was Annabel 's friendship and her acceptance by the Kirkley family that really kept her in the House of Christ the Saviour , where there was no laughter except in the kitchen with Sister Cecilia and sometimes a covert smile from Sister Aloysius .
11 This was a peculiar thing to do , because in 1963 in the House of Lords the Lord Chancellor had ruled that a free pardon wiped out a conviction and all its consequences , and the accused was to be regarded as having been acquitted .
12 In the House of Lords the Attorney-General applied for and was granted leave to intervene in the proceedings in order to represent and advance the interests of the Crown .
13 As a leading article in The Times put it : ‘ Undaunted by the superior timidity of the House of Lords the Court of Appeal persevered in its determination to set limits to the scope of the immunities granted to trade unions by statute . ’
14 After a defeat in the House of Lords the government agreed that transfer to HATs would be preceded by a ballot among the tenants concerned .
15 Significantly , in the House of Lords the limitation clause was as a matter of construction upheld to apply to the circumstances of the case although , in the event , their Lordships affirmed the unanimous judgment of the Court of Appeal in holding that the clause was rendered unenforceable by statute because it would not be " fair or reasonable to allow reliance " on it .
16 Instead , Mr Gummer told the House of Commons the list drawn up by the manufacturers themselves contained new instructions which would make all the machines ‘ perfectly safe in use . ’
17 On 13th April , Macmillan announced in the House of Commons the demise of Blue Streak and its replacement by Skybolt .
18 Put to the House of Commons the deployment of American cruise missiles on British soil .
19 Each year the C & AG must present to the House of Commons the operating costs of his department .
20 In the House of Commons the Government was challenged on these grounds .
21 Are Standing Orders of the House of Commons the equivalent of statute law ? 2 .
22 In his 1699 pamphlet , English and Welsh Mines and Minerals Discovered , ‘ M.S. ’ advocated to the House of Commons the employment of the poor for profitable mining .
23 In the House of Commons the bulk of the Labour opposition ( as well as the Liberal Democrats ) voted with the government , but on the first occasion over 50 and on the second over 30 Labour members critical of the bipartisan approach agreed by their party 's leadership voted against ( resulting in resignations from their posts by three frontbench spokespersons ) .
24 Subject to sub-paragraph ( iii ) below , when the Parliamentary Labour Party is in opposition in the House of Commons the election of the party leader and deputy leader shall take place at each annual party conference .
25 But the bias of the system worked in Labour 's favour , and in the House of Commons the Labour Party had 287 seats , the Conservatives 261 and the Liberals 59 .
26 The British experience was perceived by Michael Foot when in Opposition in the following way : ‘ I think one of the most serious threats to the power of the House of Commons is the notion which is growing up that you can have a meeting in Downing Street of the Executive and the CBI and the TUC who make an agreement that is binding and when it comes to the House of Commons the House of Commons has not the power … to tear that bargain apart ’ ( quoted in Grant 1977 , p. 169 ) .
27 In elections to the House of Representatives the Republicans made a gain of 33 seats and managed to defeat four incumbent committee chairmen .
28 In the House of Representatives the administration 's position was accepted by 250 votes to 183 , with 86 Democrats voting for the use of force .
29 Following the bill 's approval by the House of Representatives the Senate delayed its consideration of the issue pending the outcome of the negotiations between Danforth and the Bush administration .
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