Example sentences of "the last [num] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One of the contexts in which we are exercising ministry is that we have for the last fifty years well I have n't personally !
2 Our knowledge of the identification and distribution of stone axes in Britain has been gained from a very long-running co-operative research effort involving archaeologists and petrologists : over the last fifty years more than 7500 axes have been examined petrologically .
3 In the last 16 matches tomorrow Duffy plays Dale and will be going out to avenge that defeat over fellow Ulsterman Sharpe .
4 The company has now axed more than 2,000 jobs in the last 18 months following a dramatic sales slump .
5 In her essay ‘ Sculpture in the Expanded Field ’ , 5 art historian Rosalind Krauss explored ideas about categories in ways that might be useful to this discussion about textiles : ‘ over the last 10 years rather surprising things have come to be called sculpture : narrow corridors with TV monitors at the ends , large photographs documenting country hikes … categories like sculpture and painting have been kneaded and stretched and twisted in an extraordinary demonstration of elasticity , and display of the way in which a cultural term can be extended to include just about anything ’ .
6 Colonel John Wilson has given the club immense service , having been President for the last 10 years immediately following 23 years as Match Secretary .
7 Air traffic has doubled in the last 10 years so that Singapore is now served by 57 airlines , linking it to 110 cities in 54 countries .
8 A. In Lancashire , Merseyside and Greater Manchester in the last 10 years about 2 000 000 people have moved house ; that is about one third of all families .
9 As a result of that inability to guarantee a planning erm approval er this county has this county has lost one major inward investor within the last eighteen months already , referred to by name in the documentation that is Kimberley Clarke .
10 We have heard quite a lot , colleagues , about pensions and pension schemes over the last eighteen months perhaps we have to actually thank Mr Maxwell for raising the issue , even if those pensioners he cheated wo n't thank him .
11 The last two holes however were a ‘ mine field ’ in a sunshine wind and cost him five shots apiece for an inward half of 35 .
12 During the last two decades more and more bankers have come to regard the bill of lading as just another letter of credit document .
13 Again the try came from a concerted attack involving forwards and backs , Guscott and Brendan Mullin barely managing to squeeze the last two passes away .
14 If Andrew Orkney does indeed lead over Anchor Bridge , jumps the last two obstacles cleanly and wins the great event it will be a story entirely appropriate to its ridiculously romantic pattern .
15 Then knit the next two stitches together , knit the next four stitches , knit the next two stitches together , knit four , knit the next two stitches together , knit four , knit the last two stitches together .
16 The rhyming scheme in the last two lines however interrupts the rest wherever the poet comes more briefly , concisely and abruptly to a conclusion .
17 I had enjoyed the last two months greatly but the journey , though arduous , had involved no real danger .
18 . Everything in order and the last two men just arriving now .
19 At one stage it looked as though McCallen might catch Dunlop as he closed the gap to three seconds but it was not to be and Dunlop opened up the gap again over the last two laps so that with victory in sight he had a cushion of seven seconds .
20 ‘ Experience of the last two years clearly shows that the poll tax has caused immense hardship to many people of Middlesbrough . ’
21 He is the fifth manager to leave Crewe Park in the last two years following in the footsteps of Paul O'Gara , Terry Nicholson , Jack Walsh and Sammy Watson , who all parted company with the club last season .
22 I do n't know , but I er , no I think I do n't know I 'm not you know , my experience of pension funds is it 's , it 's you know is only in the last two years really , I 'm er .
23 As part of Stone Grove , a four-piece band who have spent the last two years quietly writing and recording in the relative obscurity of Clapton , east London , Simon has been revising , reassessing , investigating his roots , or in his own words , ‘ taking notes ’ .
24 times of I mean , I actually think it 's a an awful lot of ask of a friendship , or of a family situation and also , indeed , if you I mean I think sometimes they can be very supportive but th the true understanding may not be there and erm I think that 's what led me to start up a self- help group in Edinburgh erm which is , has been erm running for the last two years now .
25 And in the last two years only three children under 14 have had to be placed in secure accommodation .
26 The last two computers also need an interface unit which is supplied in the package .
27 The last two results there have been freaks .
28 The Pakistan government is hampered by lack of resources in launching any large-scale projects , and in the last 13 years less than $120 million has been ploughed into crop substitution programmes by foreign aid organisations .
29 Devon is always a happy hunting ground for Pipe , who has saddled twice as many winners as any other trainer in the last five years here .
30 Devon is always a happy hunting ground for Pipe , who has saddled twice as many winners as any other trainer in the last five years here .
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