Example sentences of "the people that you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Before we move on to next season , a word about the people that you 've lost , people like erm Simon Wigg , a local lad , a great favourite among the crowds .
2 Who are the people that you blame for bad things in your life ?
3 But I mean , were led to believe that some of the people that you see sitting on the streets of Edinburgh begging are actually making a good living out of it !
4 The people that you hang around with would be the people that he would hang around with … and so on .
5 and that 's what it is gon na be motivated , but at the end of the day there , the , the people that you work with they ai n't worth a
6 But surprising the people that you do n't realise , you know , it troubles the parents and as I say they took them to a number of specialists and given different things
7 It also it is a fact that the people that you do tend to lend the equipment out to take it for granted that you are also a highly qualified video sort of technician and if anything goes wrong , they ring you up and say ‘ What plug goes where , and why is n't this working ’ and why should you if you 're working run down to some conference in the John Hall Room and try and sort out something for these people .
8 Yeah and er you know we can do a certain amount but I think if you went away from that you can go away from it a little bit but I think if you went too much away the people that you have and and our audience when we 've got them you know , they tend to stay with us you know they do n't change like the the youngsters and when we started off first you know our audience were mainly over forty five fifty plus really and now they 're down to we 're getting you know loads of of people in their twenties and in their teens and even down to kids like last night , five and six years old .
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