Example sentences of "the [v-ing] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The stepping down of the government followed resignation calls from all five of East Germany 's minor political parties , and from a deputy minister of culture .
2 Er now after about two years , er you got more proficient and then , of course , you could also help with the stripping down of the waggons .
3 They have been punished by being stripped of their ability to claim benefit and by the pushing down of the real value of their training allowance .
4 At the going down of the sun and in the morning
5 At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them . ’
6 In the second book , a photograph is spoken of which ‘ shows the pulling down of a monument to one of the Shahs ( father or son ) in Teheran or some other Iranian city .
7 However , the essential feature of structured techniques is the breaking down of a complex problem into smaller manageable units in a systematic ( disciplined ) way .
8 What is clear is that the mechanics of the process , that is , the breaking down of the tissue into discrete blocks , involves an increase in adhesion between the cells in each somite .
9 Dramatic examples of this occurred on Clydeside , during the First World War , in the engineering industry , but the printing and bookbinding industry had already seen the breaking down of the labour process into a number of relatively less skilled tasks .
10 And an ordinary lightning flash is simply the breaking down of the insulating properties of air which discharges a momentary electric current to those clouds .
11 Differentiation , or specialization , involves not only the breaking down of the organization into functions , but also the formation of groups to support the tasks assigned to those functions .
12 The breaking down of the lattice is obviously the reverse of its formation .
13 It is , once again , realism that demands the slowing down of the little waves in a studio tank to simulate the big waves of the ocean , or stretching the fall of a toy-sized car off a desk-high ‘ cliff ’ to the time of a real car falling of a real cliff .
14 The most significant change in this respect is the slowing down in the 1980s of the decline in urban populations compared with the previous decade ( Champion , 1987 ) .
15 The slowing down in the world industrial economy in the 1970s changed the whole environment in which many firms worked .
16 If the money supply is not expanded sufficiently to meet this demand , interest rates will rise , this in turn will discourage some investment and so contribute to the slowing down in the growth of output and eventually lead to the upper turning-point .
17 The shutting down of the motors was lost in the roar of louder engines .
18 It was a stiff , headmasterly performance , appropriate to the handing down from the palace of the kingly rules by which the democratic experiment was to be played .
19 The Chart parser thus fulfills the architectural requirements outlined above and , in addition , reflects the paring down of the graph-searching task to its barest requirements with few restrictions on how the graph should be constructed and explored .
20 In the same spirit he supervised the harnessing of the horses , the carrying down of the dressing-case and boots and clothes and papers , the safe depositing of the plate and linen and two locked trunks — it was the hour for promenading in Keswick and Mr Wood 's conducting of this orchestra was not to go unremarked .
21 The bogging down of the tanks in the mud reminds one of the immobilization of the helicopters of the master of Saddam in Tabas .
22 Among the projects carried out were the creation of two folk museums , the laying out of public parks and gardens ; a nature trail ; a children 's playground ; the restoration of an old ‘ Norse ’ mill , and the laying down of a car park for a small craft shop .
23 All training in kung fu begins with the laying down of a solid foundation .
24 120 ) , commitments to improving living and working conditions ( Arts 117 and 118 ) , and the laying down of the general principles for implementing a common vocational training policy ( Art .
25 Supervision is the process of the laying down by the courts of guidelines for the development of legal principles .
26 Most early law was declared in councils of the Church and notaries were officially charged with the copying down of the decrees or acts .
27 He also witnessed the gunning down by the police of a cornered Sinn Feiner .
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