Example sentences of "the [num] [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At some point in the mid-660s he was forbidden by his father to go to Rome with Benedict Biscop , who was later to found the monastery of Wearmouth and Jarrow .
2 By the 1940's it was becoming more usual to conclude rather that their distinctive role was quite other than that of saying anything factual at all .
3 The emphasis of their tours was on education and recreation for students and by the 1890s they were offering cruises to Norway for eight guineas .
4 In 1880 a further Education Act made schooling compulsory for children between five and ten , and in the 1890s it was established that most elementary education should be free .
5 It was true that in the 1880s youth work had meant philanthropy and religion , whereas in the 1900s it was felt to be the responsibility of local education authorities , juvenile employment committees , after-care committees and part-time day continuation classes in liberal and vocational studies .
6 ‘ We have to do three hours in the afternoon , to make up the six I 'm contracted to do .
7 In the 1790s he was commissioned to build a conservatory for the Prince of Wales , which marked the beginning of a renowned Royal patronage culminating in the building of Regent 's Park and the Brighton Pavilion .
8 Though it has been suggested that Cynddylan may have been among Penda 's British allies at the Winwaed , there is no direct evidence for this , but when Penda attacked Oswiu in the mid-650s he is said to have been supported by British kings ( HB ch. 64 ) , principal among whom was Cadafael ap Cynfedw , king of Gwynedd ( HB ch. 65 ) .
9 At first potential jurors were classified by ethnic group and caste , but after the 1840s they were assigned to one of three lists which were drawn up on the basis of language capability .
10 In the 1300s it was renamed the Guild of Grocers , Pepperers and Apothecaries .
11 During the 1970s they were called out to clear hundreds of tons rubbish from the streets of Glasgow during the 1975 dustmen 's strike .
12 During the 1970s they were called out to clear hundreds of tons rubbish from the streets of Glasgow during the 1975 dustmen 's strike .
13 Up to the 1970s it was presumed to be proceeding towards the beech high forest which ecologists believed was the stable climax on limestone .
14 Another place of worship was built in 1828 for the Methodists but as attendances dwindled in the 1970s it was decided to share with Christ church , a facility which made economic sense .
15 In the 1970s it was recognised that for decades there had been a growing imbalance between the consumer and the supplier or manufacturer .
16 In the 1970s he was detained without charge or trial for five years and tortured and held for long periods in leg-irons .
17 Mike Fesemeyer , a former colleague who now analyses bank shares for Nomura , says : ‘ Even in the 1970s he was perceived as a future chief executive or at least one of the bank 's fast track graduates .
18 But when Dr Dee ( a scientist too aware of his Welsh descent to want to use the word ‘ English ’ ) wrote about the British Empire in the 1570s he was discussing the prospect of possessions beyond the seas , which were likely to be linked to England by the bond of allegiance to the sovereign more than by anything else .
19 His son 's incarceration at the Belle Grove Asylum cost £200 per year and by the 1780s he was having to dispose of properties in London and Middlesex in order to pay for his European journeys .
20 In the 1780s it was estimated that of the troops raised in Great Britain on the Irish establishment one-sixth deserted every year .
21 I I 'm sure that the twos we 're gon na have to close list
22 In the Fifties they were sworn enemies .
23 The experiment worked and by 1954 Raitz 's Horizon Holidays had taken off and by the end of the fifties he was offering holidays on the Costa Brava , the Costa del Sol , in Portugal , Minorca and Tangiers .
24 On the 64 it 's let down slightly by its slowness. the action 's hardly end-to-end stuff , but it 's very skilful , almost strategic .
25 As far back as the 19505 it was proclaimed that " the medium was the message " .
26 By the 1730s he was considered by many to be the richest commoner in England , and at his death his income from landed property , coalmining , investments in government funds , and mortgage holdings was around £25,000 annually .
27 Throughout the 1920s they were acknowledged as leaders of national status and by 1939 each was at the head of his political movement : though in the case of Jinnah some thought he was past his prime .
28 By the 1920s it was enjoying a wide circulation .
29 In 1885 a Scottish Secretary was appointed , and in the 1920s he was elevated to Secretary of State .
30 And I says well it is two different meanings the one I 'm using is just if you can spare it , if you can it .
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