Example sentences of "the [num] [prep] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The six of us here will all attend to your news , but you will tell it with your back to the men , and you will not expect to read what we think on our faces .
2 It took the three of them over an hour to reach the bottom of the slope , where they came to a halt .
3 Look what happened last year when the three of them nearly went bankrupt .
4 In many ways , the tragedy had brought the three of them closer together .
5 The three of them soon to be part of one fusion , still at this time isolated from each other : three figures representing and summarising between them so much that was central to the complex notion of the Romantic Age .
6 He signalled the three of them through .
7 She thinks of Dulé , for he beckons to her : they will cross the channel to Oualie and be with him , perhaps , as he has asked , the three of them together again , with Roukoubé as well , and Sycorax will recover .
8 However , Dr Adams manipulates the remaining children , as he knows that they can telepathically communicate with Tommy , Michael and Jenny , to get the three of them back .
9 But it was Morse who answered : ‘ If you wish , Lewis , I will give you the names and addresses of the three of them there that open all day .
10 Now they 're going to leave the three of us here , to die on this island . ’
11 It went on like that , the three of us never quite living together , never wholly apart .
12 The three of us often went off to ordnance depots where Eric bent all his efforts to persuading whoever was in charge to donate a load of blankets ( which made excellent winter coats and suits ) or , if he was trying to help a doctor , a set of motor tyres , which were worth their weight in gold .
13 So that you 'd get move those round a bit so that you 'd get Say that pizza came in like that and your mum sat down there said , Right we 're having some pizza we 're going to share this out between the three of us so we all get the same sized piece .
14 Of course , had Helmut not left for Zurich but stayed at Park Terrace , and had the situation between the three of us then become something of a tussle , I might have lacked the courage finally to pack up and return to Paris with Jean-Claude .
15 Now if B is plus three , then going back to me formula here is going to be minus five , cos if I put the three in it there , I get minus five from there .
16 I 'll get in touch , I 'll give her a ring , because we actually , we were looking erm out of the twelve of you altogether we were looking for six of you to actually have your feet washed on Maundy Thursday evening at the , at the , the mass at the service on Maundy Thursday evening .
17 What , the five of them together , unaccompanied ?
18 So we got but we got a hundred percent acting or something and the two masters are gon na take us out , the five of us out to dinner .
19 I tried the twenty on him again .
20 How cosy this could have been , the rain lashing down outside providing a curtain from the world and the two of them here with no occupation except to pleasure each other .
21 Beth had thought her son and Cissie were still in the garden , so was pleasantly surprised to see the two of them already in the kitchen ; Richard eagerly awaiting his tea , and Cissie fussing with a place setting .
22 On the whole I found it less tiring to keep the two of them apart .
23 All that really mattered , after all , was that there would be a stout door to separate the two of them tonight !
24 The thought of the two of them fucking was bad enough ; Lewis impregnating that gorgeous creature was infinitely worse .
25 Try the two of them on .
26 Have you the two of them on yet ?
27 Had they left him in Perth , to keep the two of them well separate ?
28 Not I went to bed last night at twelve o'clock John and Ryan was in bed about twelve I think , the two of them just fell straight to sleep .
29 She loved these evenings with her father , was constantly aware that Sylvie 's absence had the benefit of bringing the two of them closer .
30 Between the two of them there was a fundamental issue at stake .
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