Example sentences of "the [num] [noun] was [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 By the 1820s Cuvier was associated with a conservative political attitude that favoured a static image of Nature in order to uphold a static model of the social order .
2 The 1850 Act was regarded with horror by the shipowners who saw the observance of petty regulations added to the loss of their rights to carry freight in British bottoms .
3 CONCEIVED with high expectations in 1954 , the B-70 Valkyrie was produced to give the USAF 's Strategic Air Command ( SAC ) a long range , high altitude Mach 3+ heavy bomber with the primary aim of delivering H-Bombs deep inside the Soviet Union .
4 The JP-6 fuel was encased in nitrogen to prevent auto-ignition at high temperatures .
5 The 1893 Act was intended , not to effect radical changes in the law , but to codify it , i.e. to put the common law into one statute to which it was easy to refer .
6 The main impact of the 1979–80 recession was felt in a sharp drop in recruitment , which then grew slowly to match discharges only in 1987–88 .
7 The 1986 Act was seen by many as a missed opportunity in that it failed to state in positive terms that there was a right to protest peacefully .
8 Once the indium-111 counting was completed the samples were stored for four to six weeks to allow decay of the indium-111 .
9 The vote for the 1838 Act was preceded by impassioned debate in both parliamentary chambers and aroused widespread interest throughout France .
10 These collieries were largely responsible for Dronfield 's early industrial development , for when the 1861 census was taken 383 men , or 48 per cent of the workforce , were employed in local mines .
11 The Oct-11 probe was a 430 bp fragment ( nucleotides 646-1055 in Figure 1 ) , the Oct-2 probe was derived from a POU domain cDNA ( 30 ) .
12 The regeneration strategy of each of the 12 species was worked out and the percentage occurrence of certain of these differentiating the forest types on the island reflected different meteorological regimes .
13 The 1989–90 period was marked by initial gravity increase ( up to 100μGal ) at stations near the summit ( June-November 1989 ) followed by decreases of similar magnitude ( November 1989-June 1990 ) .
14 In the 1830s Paris was plunged after dark in Stygian gloom :
15 The 1993 budget was adopted by the National Assembly on Dec. 17 .
16 The 1993 budget was approved by the Council of Ministers meeting on Dec. 19 , but no details were broadcast .
17 Their first outing for the 1993 season was held at Brunston Castle , Ayrshire — Scotland 's newest Golf Club , where 16 members competed in a game won by Martin Docherty and Hugh Vernon .
18 On the other hand , given the importance the Netherlands attached to the Convention , the 1985 amendment was interpreted as not displacing the application of the Convention , and so the requirements of Article 15 had to be complied with .
19 The 1985 study was based on a reading of 3,015 newspapers .
20 The whole of the 1903 Act was passed .
21 With lamentable predictability , however , there was a wailing from certain quarters against ‘ our ‘ namby-pamby ’ ’ methods ' and ‘ our drawing-room courts ’ , and what was taken to be the excessive leniency of the 1933 Act was accused of unleashing a tidal wave of crime among the young .
22 When the subcellular distribution of the Bcl-2 protein was analysed in the /bcl-2 or pt/ bcl-2 cells lines by immunofluorescence with a mouse monoclonal anti-Bcl-2 antibody and laser-scanning confocal microscopy , the protein seemed to be located mainly in the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum ( ER ) ( Fig. 3a , b ) .
23 By northern analysis of poly(A) + F9 EC RNA , the DP-1 transcript was estimated as 2.8 kilobases ( kb ) ( data not shown ) ; it is expressed in many different cell types and in a wide range of tissues during murine embryogenesis ( J.F.P. , P. Tassios and N.B.L.T , manuscript in preparation ) .
24 Gel retardation with the distal E2F binding site from the adenovirus E2A promoter ( -71 to -50 region ) and the DP-1 derivatives was done in the absence of salmon sperm DNA ( tracks 4 , 5 , 6 and 7 ) .
25 On the other hand Helmut Schlesinger , the vice-president of the Bundesbank , explained that under the Bundesbank proposals wages in East Germany would be increased first by around 30 per cent before the 2:1 rate was applied .
26 Jenkins ' figure of 42,000 was reached in October 1976 ; by July 1991 the figure was 45,500 ; the 50,000 mark was passed in June 1997 .
27 Elections also took place for 40 seats in the 76-seat Senate , where each of the six states was represented by 12 members , and the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory by two members each .
28 According to Murimuth the bestowal of titles on the six earls was followed by the dubbing of twenty-four new knights , and other nobles were rewarded at the same time .
29 As a final check of the validity of the above lists each of the six schools was visited and the above selections were shown to the Head of English ( and frequently , also to the members of the English Department ) for their comments .
30 For each subject the correlation between this score and their familiarity ratings for the 10 junctions was calculated .
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