Example sentences of "the [num] [noun] [noun sg] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Total chromosomal DNA from S.acidocaldarius ATCC33909 was cleaved with restriction enzymes ( Sac I , Xba I , Eco RI , Xho l , Eco RI- Xho I , XbaI-Xho I , Sac I- Xba I ) and the resulting restriction patterns were analyzed by Southern hybridization using 885 bp of the 16S rDNA fragment amplified by PCR as a probe .
2 Some 14 per cent of the 1980 GHS sample aged over 65 could not do their shopping themselves and 28 per cent could not cut their own toe-nails ( OPCS 1982 ) .
3 Our reasons for that are that the especially the eight year average used by the County Council , are unduly skewed by the boom of the late eighties , and give in our view , to high a trend t to erm to work from .
4 Government heads driving to the Nicocea opening found the fifty mile route lined with women , hands linked in protest at the world 's and especially Britain 's failure to reverse the nineteen seventy four invasion which has left thirty seven percent of the island in Turkish hands .
5 In early May OPEC oil ministers met in emergency session in Geneva [ see p. 37475 ] and an agreement was reached on cutting production , but the Paris-based International Energy Agency , in its June 5 report , said that OPEC output actually fell only by 400,000 barrels a day ( bpd ) in May , a figure which was wholly attributable to cuts in Saudi Arabian production and which was far short of the 1,450,000 bpd reduction pledged at the OPEC emergency meeting .
6 As soon as mathematics teachers address issues which are contentious , such as the 1986 CSE question related to arms spending , the question is seen as political not mathematical ; this reinforces an image of mathematics as having nothing to do with explaining society .
7 We exploited the differential effect of phosphatase treatment on ATF1 and CREM to identify the 43 kDa polypeptide detected in crude nuclear extracts ( figure 4C ) .
8 Now the owners want the 2 pence charge raised to 5 pence .
9 The copy number of the transgene was estimated in the offspring by comparison to the 2 copy signal obtained from human placental DNA .
10 The non-intervention policy with regard to ‘ lame ducks ’ was effectively abandoned with the politically inescapable rescue of Rolls Royce and Upper Clyde Shipbuilders , and the 1972 Industry Bill marked a return to the kind of industrial policy which had been evolving over the 1960s with the formation of NEDC and IRC .
11 This together with the fact that point mutations or deletions of this element in the sea urchin H4 gene strongly impair transcription , suggests that the 90,000 dalton factor found in our study is similar to the 85,000 dalton UHF-1 factor described for the sea urchin ( 26 ) .
12 Despite the 12:1 contrast ratio claimed for the screen , my initial impression was that it was poor .
13 ‘ … the apparent lack of attention given to potential top chord failure cases outboard of the terminal fittings strongly suggests that the earlier work on the 100 series design influenced thinking on the 300 series design . ’
14 Washington 's stance seems sure to complicate the United Airlines buyout , which was to close a few days after the 10 October deadline set by Mr Skinner for information on BA 's involvement .
15 I 'm pretty sure that I was the only mother & baby entrant as I struggled on sometimes running , sometimes walking around the 10 mile course encouraged by the smiles and cheers of the many people who lined the route .
16 It was installed to step down the 33,000 volts supply received at Hindhead from the national grid , to 11,000 for local distribution .
17 Leader of the 274 Squadron flight sent to Malta , Flg.Off .
18 The 1991 budget deficit estimated at BD118,000,000 ( US$313,000,000 ) was expected to increase by 6 per cent in 1992 .
19 The 1991 draft budget presented on Feb. 27 by Finance Minister Ferdinand Lacina provided for expenditure of some Sch600,000 million and revenue of Sch537,000 million ( US$1.00=Sch10.7933 as at March 4 , 1991 ) .
20 The 1991 draft budget presented to parliament on Sept. 18 , 1990 , showed a reduced overall deficit but included substantial funds to underpin the incomes policy which linked public-sector wages to private-sector pay , as well as extra resources for public transport and environmental protection .
21 FOR a prize in the 1991 Christmas draw held at Wallingford 's local hostelry — the Red Lion , donated a trip around the maltings followed by lunch .
22 The three day event originated from the military , proving a horse 's speed , stamina and talent .
23 THE Attorney General is to review the three year sentence given to a killer who strangled and dismembered a Co Donegal woman .
24 THE Attorney General is to review the three year sentence given to a killer who strangled and dismembered a Co Donegal woman .
25 Whilst a petition , based upon failure to comply with a statutory demand , may be presented before the expiry of the three week period stipulated in the demand if there is a serious possibility that the debtor 's property will be diminished in value ( s 270 ) , no bankruptcy order can be made until the three week period has elapsed ( s 271(2) ) .
26 In an attempt to bolster the reliability of NVOCC bills , the 1984 Shipping Act required NVOCC 's to file tariffs with the Federal Maritime Commission ( ’ FMC ’ ) , regardless of whether they were domestic or foreign-based .
27 Results indicated that the combination of self-paced audio-visual study , followed by verbal discussion with a librarian , was the most effective way of increasing student achievement in the ninety question test designed to measure course retention .
28 At the workshop the organisers had managed to unite informed educational opinion throughout Nigeria and to establish a productive working climate in which panels in six areas of the primary school curriculum : cultural and creative art , languages , mathematics , physical and health education , science and social studies met and in the light of the goals set at the 1969 Curriculum Conference expanded and refined objectives in these areas and produced a series of guidelines which have since been used throughout Nigeria at university and state level as a basis for detailed curriculum planning .
29 Brown says the lack of network transparency and support for Display Postscript compares unfavourably to the flexibility of the X Windows system offered by Unix .
30 All that remains now of the sixteen dwellings Seller burned are a few tumbled stones , scattered over the green hillside .
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