Example sentences of "the [det] be [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The latter is valid for projects of low uncertainty capable of accurate estimating .
2 The latter is valid for projects of low uncertainty capable of accurate estimating .
3 Since the latter are available for a 5 km raster the registration data are assigned to these grid squares using the OS grid reference .
4 Quite often Catholic groups gave support to Franco against the Socialist Republican government , on the grounds that the latter was responsible for the burning of churches and the murdering of Catholics .
5 The latter was responsible for the track , its foundations and the paving , while the Company provided the electrical equipment , together with the power station , depot and cars .
6 Any chance of the former had been negated by Britain 's failure to topple Nasser at Suez ; and the latter was unlikely for some years because the aircraft did not , as yet , exist ; and the RAF had no real enthusiasm for providing the necessary money to buy them out of Air votes , which they quite naturally wanted to use for combat and not transport aircraft .
7 The less money is given to such homes , the less is available for the ’ little extras ’ to which I have referred .
8 The bylines are ‘ Colour by Don Greer , illustrated by Alan Welch ’ , which suggests that the former is responsible for the artwork and the latter for the photo research .
9 The former was desirable for obvious reasons , the latter scarcely less so .
10 By such means it is possible , within the Lancashire Coal Measures for example , to demonstrate that very rapid sedimentation alternated with very slow sedimentation and that the former was responsible for the bulk of at least some parts of the record .
11 to capitalise the appropriate nominal amount of the new Ordinary Shares falling to be allotted pursuant to any elections made as aforesaid out of the amount standing to the credit of any reserve or fund ( including the profit and loss account , share premium account , capital redemption reserve or any other reserve ) , whether or not the same is available for distribution , as the directors may determine , to apply such sum in paying up in full such Ordinary Shares and to allot such Ordinary Shares to the shareholders of the company validly making such elections in accordance with their respective entitlements …
12 Do remember the same is true for legally prescribed drugs like sedatives and tranquillisers .
13 The same is true for East Anglia — in 1969 average prices in the region were 69.4 per cent of those in Greater London : currently the figure is 69.8 .
14 In any case , neither the Germanic nor the Slavonic mode of production was of much significance for Marx 's and Engels 's later work , and the same is true for most Marxist studies .
15 The same is true for many of the other Operators in the Company .
16 The same is true for many other periods ; for instance , coins provide a date for the deposit of the great Viking hoard from Cuerdale in Lancashire of c.AD905 , and this in turn provides a date for the associated objects and hence a pivotal fixed chronological point for our understanding of Anglo-Saxon metalwork .
17 The same is true for toxic releases .
18 The same is true for individuals with a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ; ( G-6-PD is an important enzyme of the glycolytic or central energy producing pathway ) .
19 The same is true for humans , he says .
20 The same is true for the current crop of Fender Custom Shop guitars .
21 The same is true for the humbucker , which has all the power and big sound you 'd expect , with none of that excessive mid-range honk .
22 The same is true for amps and pickups , and I 'm convinced some manufacturers do n't realise this .
23 The same is true for France , Australia and anyone else willing to take on the Springboks .
24 The same is true for Das kostbare Evangeliar des Heiligen Bernward , the important illuminated 1000-year old manuscript preserved at the cathedral of Hildesheim ( DM78 ) .
25 The same is true for capacities and aptitudes .
26 Much the same is true for America and Germany : municipal solid waste , generated by houses and offices , makes up at most a tenth of the total .
27 Recent ethnography of writing has demonstrated that the same is true for many contemporary societies now labelled ‘ literate ’ ; much of the practice turns out to be , as in Iran ( see below , Section 2 ) , writing names on crates of produce , keeping records of business transactions , writing cheques etc. , or , as in English factories , reading warning or instruction labels , one-word sign symbols and signing names or filling in forms ( see Section 3 ) .
28 The same is true for many of the relationships in organisations .
29 The same is true for solid-timber drawer buttons .
30 The same is true for materials for creative activity .
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