Example sentences of "the [num ord] [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On 18 January 1940 , the 1st Bucks landed at Le-Havre .
2 The second BTTF arrived in October 1990 and , like its predecessor , failed to create a stir .
3 It had happened repeatedly , from the short-lived first National Guidance Committee of 1967 to the second NGC established in response to Camp David and suppressed by Ariel Sharon in early 1982 .
4 The second Duma consisted of the same as before plus a few Social Democrats .
5 A single launch-control centre can feed information to all 16 missiles simultaneously , via the fibre-optic cables , with the second LCC held in reserve .
6 The 1975 Lyceum concerts were not the first Walters shows in London , but the impact with which they hit still has implications for reggae today .
7 The first Temple dates from the reign of King Solomon , c.970–930 BC , and was built in Jerusalem .
8 And so in 1967 the first Hercules arrived at its new home .
9 Initially supported in its early stages by a grant from the J. Paul Getty Trust ( the first Getty grant to be awarded to an art journal ) , Print Quarterly has relied on generous benefactors and advertising revenue since that date .
10 When the First Duma met in April 1906 it was dominated by Kadets , led by P. N. Miliukov , and peasant deputies loosely bound together in the Trudovik ( Labour ) Group .
11 The classic example of his footwork was the first Wigan try in the 1985 final .
12 None of the children were told about the wedding in advance and the first Charles knew of his new stepmother was when the headmaster of his prep school informed him
13 This flight became another ‘ first ’ for Sugar , as it was the first Lancaster to land on an ‘ enemy ’ airfield !
14 The first Brayne to live in a house by the village street in Myddle was William Brayne , a husbandman who appears in the 1544 subsidy roll .
15 The first Ramsey knew about these discussions between Fisher and the prime minister was when a letter arrived in Durham on 8 December 1955 .
16 The first Leopold heard of it was when his son coolly informed him that he was accompanying Aloysia and her father for a few days to visit the Princess of Orange at Kircheim-Bolanden , where Aloysia was to sing several arias that Wolfgang had written for her .
17 The coupling medium in the first SAMs built at Stanford was water .
18 The first Creggan knew of the falling branch was the crack it made , loud and violent and cutting right into his chilly reverie as he huddled in his shelter preparing for the night .
19 The first Rolls-Royce went on sale in Hungary recently , joining the many Mercedes and BMW cars that have recently flooded the country , particularly in 1989 .
20 The third Duma consisted of people that had been arranged by the Tsar .
21 For those ‘ Old Fighters ’ who had been enthusiastic Hitler supporters even before the demise of the Weimar Republic , for the direct beneficiaries of Nazism — the careerists , power-seekers , and apparatchiks who had the Third Reich to thank for their offices and careers in Party and State , and for the ideologically committed who had ‘ burnt their boats ’ with the Nazi regime , the belief in the Führer 's powers to bring about a miracle and achieve final victory in the face of all the odds was the blind faith rooted in self-interest and fear of the future .
22 For most of the remainder , Hitler stood for at least some things they admired , and for many had become the symbol and embodiment of the national revival which the Third Reich had in many respects been perceived to accomplish .
23 The moral condemnation of the Third Reich emerged for the most part only after the end of the war when the most barbaric crimes of the regime were fully exposed .
24 And for the mass of the petty bourgeoisie , which had from the beginning provided a backbone of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ , the period when , materially , the Third Reich turned to unmitigated disaster only seems to have set in from 1942 onwards .
25 Hispano Suiza took over the factory and continued producing cars until the last Bugatti appeared on a race track in 1956 .
26 On a curving ridge-walk like this , the last Munro staying within sight all the way can either be immensely heartening or terrifically dispiriting , depending on your state of exhaustion .
27 The last Menzies saw of him was his head turning , his mouth uttering inaudible words , as a heavy door ground backwards and then slammed shut .
28 The last Penny saw of him was his small form flying jerkily over the meadows towards a distant wood .
29 Despite the outcry from MG enthusiasts all over the world , the last MGB came off the production line in October 1981 .
30 The last Jess saw of him was his gaunt back with the coat skirts swinging as he disappeared down towards the quay .
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